

1969年 出生于韩国汉城
2006年 毕业于美国纽约视觉艺术学校摄影专业
1999年 毕业于韩国弘益大学摄影设计专业


2009 "The Pink & Blue Project", Paris-Beijing Photo Gallery, Beijing, China.
"The Pink & Blue Project", Bolinas Museum, CA, USA.
"The Pink & Blue Project", San Francisco International Airport Museum (SFO Airport Museum), SF, CA, USA.
"The Pink & Blue Project", Jenkins Johnson gallery, San Francisco, CA, USA.
"The Pink & Blue Project", EM Art Gallery, Seoul, South Korea.
2008 "The Pink & Blue Project", Children's Museum of the Arts, NY, USA.
"The Pink & Blue Project", Jenkins Johnson Gallery, New York, USA.
"The Pink & Blue Project", La Caja Blanca Gallery, Spain.
2007 "The Pink & Blue Project", Kumho Museum, Seoul, South Korea.

2001 "Natural History Museum", Gallery Boda, Seoul, South Korea.
2000 "Zoo II", Time Photo Space, South Korea.
1999 "Zoo", Gallery Boda, Seoul, South Korea.

2008 “On Photography”, Kwanhoon Gallery, Seoul, South Korea
“Seoul International Photography Festival 2008”, Ancient Seoul Station, Seoul, South Korea
“NC cell Natural Color Cell”, Sungbo Gallery, Seoul, South Korea
“The Figure Today”, Jenkins Johnson Gallery, NY, SF, USA
“B-side”, Do Art Seoul, Seoul, South Korea
“SVA Alumni Society Auction”, Visual Arts Gallery, NY, USA
“Korean Contemporary Photography 60 Years, 1948~2008”, National Museum of Contemporary of Art, South Korea
“3rd Artist Mapping”, Gallery Miru, Seoul, South Korea
“Art at Home: Wonderful Life”, Doosan Art Center, Seoul, South Korea
“Beyond Representation”, Jenkins Johnson Gallery, SF, USA
“Play / Quatre Jeux”, O Born Contemporary, Toronto, Canada
“Rethink”, Gallery Grimson, Seoul, South Korea
“Market Forces, Part II: Consumer Confidence”, - Carriage Trade, NY, USA
“Mellow Fever”, La Galerie des Galeries, Galeries Lafayette, Paris, France
“Fun Fun”, N Gallery, South Korea
“The Neighborhood Institution”, Alternative space pool, Seoul, South Korea
“From Korea to Beijing”, Beijing Art Seasons Gallery
“Dunk - Dunk”, Be True Art Gallery, Seoul, South Korea
“The Frontier in Korean Photography”, Gallery Now, Seoul, South Korea
“The Big and Hip - Korean Photography Now”, Rho Gallery, Seoul, South Korea
2007 “East of Arden”, Studio 107 Gallery, Austin, TX, USA
“Cornucopia: Documenting the Land of Plenty”, Montserrat College of Art Gallery, Beverly, MA, USA
“Pink at Perkins”, Perkins Center for the Arts, NJ, USA
“Thermocline of Art - New Asian Waves”, ZKM Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe, Germany
“10th Anniversary Show”, Jenkins Johnson Gallery, SF, USA
“Gyeongnam International Art Festival 2007”, Gyeongnam Art Museum, South Korea
“Flash Cube”, Leeum, Samsung Museum of Art, Seoul, South Korea
“Regime and Relationship”, Phos Gallery, Seoul, Korea
“2007 Korea Contemporary Photography Spectrum”, Trunk Gallery, Seoul, South Korea
“The Representation 2007”, Jenkins Johnson Gallery, SF, USA
“Imagine Ourselves: A Global Generation of Women”, International Museum of women, San Francisco, CA, USA
“Fast Break”, PKM Gallery, Beijing, China
“Sugar Rush”, Reed Whipple Gallery, Las Vegas, USA
“Public / Private”, Jenkins Johnson Gallery, NY, USA
2006 “Chrome”, Room gallery, NY, USA
“Busan Biennale”, Busan, South Korea
“Pipe Lines”, Nars Foundation Studio Space #2, Brooklyn, NY, USA
“Dual Scenery”, Artcom center gallery, NJ, USA
“Casa Asia”, Barcelona, Spain
“Loop-Barcelona Video Art”, Barcelona, Spain
“Paris Cinema”, Palais de Tokyo, Paris, France
“The 12th Annual International Exhibition”, Soho20 Gallery, NY, USA
“Resonance”, The Photographic Center Northwest Gallery, Seattle, WA, USA
“Image 06”, Thomas Werner Gallery, NY, USA
“The Early Work”, Visual Arts Gallery, NY, USA
“Doors Mirrors Windows”, School of Visual Arts Gallery, NY, USA
“Slick, Furry, Lush, Line”, Studio 107 Gallery, Austin, TX, USA
“International Studio & Curatorial Program Open Studio”, ISCP, NY, USA
“Positive / Negative”, The Center for Fine Art Photography, CO, USA
“Top 40”, Los Angeles Center for Digital Art, LA, USA
“Archaeology of New York”, Gallery Korea, Korean Cultural Service NY, NY, USA
“Photography 25”, Perkins Center for the Arts, NJ, USA
2005 “Night of 1000 Drawings”, Artists Space, NY, USA
“50 Artists Mushroom arts”, Mushroom Arts Gallery, NY, USA
“Undertone”, Mushroom Arts Gallery, NY, USA
“Obsession”, Cork Gallery in Lincoln Center, NY, USA
“The Collection”, Postcrypt Art Gallery in Columbia Univ. NY, USA
“1st Edge Zones Video & Performance Festival”, Edge zones, Miami, FL, USA
2004 “Packed / Unpacked”, Ssamzie Collection, Heili Art Valley, South Korea
“Atelier”, Savina Museum, Seoul, Korea
2003 “Discovery of Life”, Ssamzie Space, Alternative space Loof, South Korea
“Fables of Animal”, Daelim Contemporary Art Museum, Seoul, South Korea
“4th Ssamzie open studio”, Ssamzie studio, South Korea
2002 “Boiling Point”, ShinSa-dong House, Seoul, South Korea
“Hanam International Photo Festival”, HaNam special established exhibition, South Korea
“Dream of public society”, Alternative Space Pool, Seoul, South Korea
“International Eco-Environmental Art Exhibition”, Seoul Arts Center, Seoul, South Korea
“A large number of ‘I’ - Power of sight”, Gana Art Center, Seoul, South Korea
“Gwangju Biennale - Project 1”, Biennale Hall, Gwangju, South Korea
“Gwangju Biennale - Project 3”, Reconstructed May 18 Liberty Park, Gwangju, South Korea
“Eye of 1000, Road of 1000”, KwanHun Gallery, DukWon Gallery, Seoul, South Korea
2001 “Artificial/Life”, Busan Metropolitan Art Museum, Busan, South Korea
“SanjeonSoojeon”, Alternative Space Pool, Seoul, South Korea
“Seoul”, HowArt Gallery, Lux Gallery, Seoul
“PS Exhibition”, Gallery Wooduk, Seoul
“HowArt Photo Collection 2000”, HowArt Gallery, Seoul
2000 “Relay Relay”, The Korean Culture & Arts Foundation Insa Art Space, Seoul
“Text Tower - Insa-dong Fantasy”, Gallery Boda, Street of Insa-dong, Seoul
“Gas Man Flaner”, Alternative Space Pool, Namu Gallery, Seoul
“3th ShinSeGae Art Festival”, Gwangju, Inchon ShinSeGae Gallery, Gwangju,Inchon, South Korea
“ShinSaDong-Yakurt Woman”, Gallery Wooduk, Seoul, South Korea



1969年 出生于韩国汉城

2006年 毕业于美国纽约视觉艺术学校摄影专业

1999年 毕业于韩国弘益大学摄影设计专业


2009 "The Pink & Blue Project", Paris-Beijing Photo Gallery, Beijing, China.

"The Pink & Blue Project", Bolinas Museum, CA, USA.

"The Pink & Blue Project", San Francisco International Airport Museum (SFO Airport Museum), SF, CA, USA.

"The Pink & Blue Project", Jenkins Johnson gallery, San Francisco, CA, USA.

"The Pink & Blue Project", EM Art Gallery, Seoul, South Korea.

2008 "The Pink & Blue Project", Children's Museum of the Arts, NY, USA.

"The Pink & Blue Project", Jenkins Johnson Gallery, New York, USA.

"The Pink & Blue Project", La Caja Blanca Gallery, Spain.

2007 "The Pink & Blue Project", Kumho Museum, Seoul, South Korea.

2001 "Natural History Museum", Gallery Boda, Seoul, South Korea.

2000 "Zoo II", Time Photo Space, South Korea.

1999 "Zoo", Gallery Boda, Seoul, South Korea.


2008 “On Photography”, Kwanhoon Gallery, Seoul, South Korea

“Seoul International Photography Festival 2008”, Ancient Seoul Station, Seoul, South Korea

“NC cell Natural Color Cell”, Sungbo Gallery, Seoul, South Korea

“The Figure Today”, Jenkins Johnson Gallery, NY, SF, USA

“B-side”, Do Art Seoul, Seoul, South Korea

“SVA Alumni Society Auction”, Visual Arts Gallery, NY, USA

“Korean Contemporary Photography 60 Years, 1948~2008”, National Museum of Contemporary of Art, South Korea

“3rd Artist Mapping”, Gallery Miru, Seoul, South Korea

“Art at Home: Wonderful Life”, Doosan Art Center, Seoul, South Korea

“Beyond Representation”, Jenkins Johnson Gallery, SF, USA

“Play / Quatre Jeux”, O Born Contemporary, Toronto, Canada

“Rethink”, Gallery Grimson, Seoul, South Korea

“Market Forces, Part II: Consumer Confidence”, - Carriage Trade, NY, USA

“Mellow Fever”, La Galerie des Galeries, Galeries Lafayette, Paris, France

“Fun Fun”, N Gallery, South Korea

“The Neighborhood Institution”, Alternative space pool, Seoul, South Korea

“From Korea to Beijing”, Beijing Art Seasons Gallery

“Dunk - Dunk”, Be True Art Gallery, Seoul, South Korea

“The Frontier in Korean Photography”, Gallery Now, Seoul, South Korea

“The Big and Hip - Korean Photography Now”, Rho Gallery, Seoul, South Korea

2007 “East of Arden”, Studio 107 Gallery, Austin, TX, USA

“Cornucopia: Documenting the Land of Plenty”, Montserrat College of Art Gallery, Beverly, MA, USA

“Pink at Perkins”, Perkins Center for the Arts, NJ, USA

“Thermocline of Art - New Asian Waves”, ZKM Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe, Germany

“10th Anniversary Show”, Jenkins Johnson Gallery, SF, USA

“Gyeongnam International Art Festival 2007”, Gyeongnam Art Museum, South Korea

“Flash Cube”, Leeum, Samsung Museum of Art, Seoul, South Korea

“Regime and Relationship”, Phos Gallery, Seoul, Korea

“2007 Korea Contemporary Photography Spectrum”, Trunk Gallery, Seoul, South Korea

“The Representation 2007”, Jenkins Johnson Gallery, SF, USA

“Imagine Ourselves: A Global Generation of Women”, International Museum of women, San Francisco, CA, USA

“Fast Break”, PKM Gallery, Beijing, China

“Sugar Rush”, Reed Whipple Gallery, Las Vegas, USA

“Public / Private”, Jenkins Johnson Gallery, NY, USA

2006 “Chrome”, Room gallery, NY, USA

“Busan Biennale”, Busan, South Korea

“Pipe Lines”, Nars Foundation Studio Space #2, Brooklyn, NY, USA

“Dual Scenery”, Artcom center gallery, NJ, USA

“Casa Asia”, Barcelona, Spain

“Loop-Barcelona Video Art”, Barcelona, Spain

“Paris Cinema”, Palais de Tokyo, Paris, France

“The 12th Annual International Exhibition”, Soho20 Gallery, NY, USA

“Resonance”, The Photographic Center Northwest Gallery, Seattle, WA, USA

“Image 06”, Thomas Werner Gallery, NY, USA

“The Early Work”, Visual Arts Gallery, NY, USA

“Doors Mirrors Windows”, School of Visual Arts Gallery, NY, USA

“Slick, Furry, Lush, Line”, Studio 107 Gallery, Austin, TX, USA

“International Studio & Curatorial Program Open Studio”, ISCP, NY, USA

“Positive / Negative”, The Center for Fine Art Photography, CO, USA

“Top 40”, Los Angeles Center for Digital Art, LA, USA

“Archaeology of New York”, Gallery Korea, Korean Cultural Service NY, NY, USA

“Photography 25”, Perkins Center for the Arts, NJ, USA

2005 “Night of 1000 Drawings”, Artists Space, NY, USA

“50 Artists Mushroom arts”, Mushroom Arts Gallery, NY, USA

“Undertone”, Mushroom Arts Gallery, NY, USA

“Obsession”, Cork Gallery in Lincoln Center, NY, USA

“The Collection”, Postcrypt Art Gallery in Columbia Univ. NY, USA

“1st Edge Zones Video & Performance Festival”, Edge zones, Miami, FL, USA

2004 “Packed / Unpacked”, Ssamzie Collection, Heili Art Valley, South Korea

“Atelier”, Savina Museum, Seoul, Korea

2003 “Discovery of Life”, Ssamzie Space, Alternative space Loof, South Korea

“Fables of Animal”, Daelim Contemporary Art Museum, Seoul, South Korea

“4th Ssamzie open studio”, Ssamzie studio, South Korea

2002 “Boiling Point”, ShinSa-dong House, Seoul, South Korea

“Hanam International Photo Festival”, HaNam special established exhibition, South Korea

“Dream of public society”, Alternative Space Pool, Seoul, South Korea

“International Eco-Environmental Art Exhibition”, Seoul Arts Center, Seoul, South Korea

“A large number of ‘I’ - Power of sight”, Gana Art Center, Seoul, South Korea

“Gwangju Biennale - Project 1”, Biennale Hall, Gwangju, South Korea

“Gwangju Biennale - Project 3”, Reconstructed May 18 Liberty Park, Gwangju, South Korea

“Eye of 1000, Road of 1000”, KwanHun Gallery, DukWon Gallery, Seoul, South Korea

2001 “Artificial/Life”, Busan Metropolitan Art Museum, Busan, South Korea

“SanjeonSoojeon”, Alternative Space Pool, Seoul, South Korea

“Seoul”, HowArt Gallery, Lux Gallery, Seoul

“PS Exhibition”, Gallery Wooduk, Seoul

“HowArt Photo Collection 2000”, HowArt Gallery, Seoul

2000 “Relay Relay”, The Korean Culture & Arts Foundation Insa Art Space, Seoul

“Text Tower - Insa-dong Fantasy”, Gallery Boda, Street of Insa-dong, Seoul

“Gas Man Flaner”, Alternative Space Pool, Namu Gallery, Seoul

“3th ShinSeGae Art Festival”, Gwangju, Inchon ShinSeGae Gallery, Gwangju,Inchon, South Korea

“ShinSaDong-Yakurt Woman”, Gallery Wooduk, Seoul, South Korea
