KUNSTKOMORA: 本画廊的立名由来是从德文kunstkammer来的,含意即是艺术品珍藏宝,也可说是艺术宝库。本画廊的创立基于文艺复兴时期的哈布斯堡王朝的神圣罗马帝国皇帝鲁道夫二世 (Rudolf II., 1576-1612) 与沙皇彼得一世·阿列克谢耶维奇·罗曼诺夫 (Petr I., 1682-1725),他们对艺术的狂热追求和精心收藏。我们追随他们的足迹,立意发扬艺术的真善美境界。本画廊搜集了来自世界六大洲超过二十多个国家以上的奇特艺术珍品,古董字画, 融合了古典和现代的作品。诚邀诸位艺术爱好者,共同来品赏与享受此艺术宴会。
Galerie Arcimboldo began in 2009 with its first auction of Asian art, the first sale specializing in Asian art in the Czech Republic since the time of the First Republic. In its short existence, Galerie Arcimboldo has become one of the most successful auction houses in the country and holds the top ten positions on the list of the most expensive Chinese paintings sold at auction in the Czech Republic.
Inspired by the Renaissance Wunderkammer of Rudolf II, the Imperial Kunstkamera of Peter the Great, as well as many other notable collections, Kunstkomora presents a carefully curated collection of art, antiques and curiosities from every corner of the world spanning more than two thousand years.