开幕时间:2016-09-10 16:00:00
光的信号(The Signal of light)
李二男(LEE LEE NAM)自称新媒体艺术家。在20世纪90年代的西方,新媒体艺术的范畴只限于利用电脑创造作品。在电脑的系统里,所有的信息都被分开为两种符号,就是0和1;“电流通过”和“电流不通”;ON和OFF。电脑是由数字信号为编程的算法操作。新媒体艺术利用这种电脑的特点,把屏幕、各种装备和看客、空间与环境都连接起来,使它们互动以创造新的意义。观众与电脑技术以及它打造的环境沟通,它们就这样被赋予新的解释,这就是新媒体艺术。目前,新媒体艺术的手段不仅限于电脑,而在试图引进更多的媒体--尤其是大众媒体,逐渐在扩展范围。
众所周知,艺术家白南准(Nam June Paik)是新媒体艺术领域最重要的人物之一。他是首次使用电视来扩大媒体艺术领域的人。他在1963年,在帕纳斯画廊(Parnass Gallery in Wuppertal)举办了第一次个展《音乐的展览:电子电视(Exposition Of Music : Electronic Television) 》。用13台电视机完成的作品《参与电视(Participation TV)》就在该展览亮相。它就是操作电视机的内部电路,歪曲在播出的影像,可视为他的第一个媒体艺术作品。
白南准要是首次把电视融入到媒体艺术中的先驱者,李二男是将自己独特的哲学思维融入到媒体艺术之中的艺术家,而且更扩大了媒体艺术的领域范围。关于媒体艺术,普遍的说法比较简单;大多数人认为媒体艺术作为通过技术手段迎合大众的审美口味与情感,并通过对各种媒介的使用创建一件艺术品,但这种技术化倾向,只是当代媒体艺术作品特征的一部分。当代媒体艺术包含着更丰富的内涵。这在李二男作品世界中会发现。他在第五十六届威尼斯双年展举办的特展《个人的结构Personal Structures》展出了《成为光,Becomes Light》。该作品给人们留下了很深刻的印象。它被装置在较小的空间内,充满隐喻和象征,也代表空间本身。最引人夺目的是装置在中间的电视和水池。电视慢慢地往水里降落,再往上上升,仿佛展现出被困在框架的人类或者现代社会;被困着在固定观念的坚固的体系里;被贪婪沾染的人类的自画像。与此同时,将正在通电的电视机打破坚固的界限,向对自己最致命的水里降落,给我们带来了很深刻的启示。电视的生死与以上升为代表的复苏的精神深深地打动着我们。
李二男经常说他最想继承白南准的艺术精神,最想接近于白南准的艺术世界。马斯洛(Abraham H. Maslow)在他提出的需求层次理论里(needs hierarchy theory)提到了人类5个层次的需求。他说人类拥有的需求像阶梯一样从低到高按层次分为5类,其中第一层次是生理上的需要(physiological needs),第二层次是安全上的需要(safety needs),第三层次是情感和归属需要(social needs),第四层次和第五层次分别有尊敬的需要(esteem needs)和自我实现的需要(self-actualization needs)。李二男就像人类5层次需求理论提到的那样,不仅作为榜样尊敬白南准并希望能够继承他,进而为了超越白南准进一步发展并克服自己的界限,而且实现自己不断的努力。
李章旭(Lee Janguk)
The Signal of light [光的信号]
LEE LEE NAM introduces himself as a New Media artist. In the west, New media art in the 1990's was a term used refer artworks produced with computers. The computer system transfers the entire information into '0' and '1' by the binary system which is then transmitted into a ON and OFF digital signal. About this we mention that we use a programmed algorithm. By using this programmed algorithm, interactions are formed with visitors, space and environment by sense and operation. However New media goes further past the borders of computer. Numerous medias, in other words, mass medias are introduced into art in diverse ways.
Many are familiar that it is impossible to discuss Media art without the artist Nam June Paik. Among the exhibited artworks of Paik's first exhibition "Exposition of Music : Electronic Television" held in Parnass Gallery, Wuppertal, 1963, there was an art piece entitled 'Participation TV' which consists of 13 television sets. The television's internal circuit was manipulated to distort the broadcasting image.
This was the first piece to be Paik's media artwork. Most consider Media art as an artwork created through the encountering of technological instruments along with public taste and emotions which are manufactured through various medias. This technological aspect is only one part of the characteristics of the contemporary Media art.
If Nam June Paik was the first artist to introduce TV into Media art, Lee Lee Nam is an artist who extended the scope by melting his philosophy into the characteristics of Media art. In the special exhibition 'Personal Structures' of the 56th Venice Biennale, Lee's work 'Becomes Light' was resonated with symbols and metaphors exhibited in a space not too large, becoming an artwork and a space at once. The installation work in the center using water and television was most impressive. The television slowly ascending and descending from and into the water seems to express humans caught inside frames or perhaps, the contemporary society. It reflects our self-portrait; trapped inside an impregnable fortress of stereotype called system. The electrically operated television breaks its strong fortress and descends into the incompatible water. This image gives great implication to us. Life and death, resurrection through ascendance deeply touches us in a way which goes beyond everyday life.
Lee himself mentions that he longs to follow the art world of Nam June Paik and success his artistic spirit. In the "Needs hierarchy theory of Abraham H. Maslow", the most basic and one-dimensional desire is 'physiological needs' and 'safety needs'. After that comes 'social needs' and 'esteem needs'. The final need is 'self-actualization needs'. As we can see in the Needs hierarchy theory, Lee exceeds Paik whom he longs to take after and furthermore, motivates himself to accomplish self-realization.
The title of this exhibition is "The Signal of light". Concerning the dictionary meaning; signal means to use the physical phenomenon of electricity, magnetism or light to store or send information. However, signals are used in more various type of ways in everyday life. Trivial gestures and gaze or even a simple verbal expression can be a method of communication. Through the genre of New Media art, the artist expresses his unique space through a visual energy which is a digitally projected light. Through this media and technology, he communicates by using the cultural and historical diversity of the East and West. Through the artworks of this exhibition, Lee desires to communicate with visitors through 'Lee Lee Nam signals' which exceeds basic communication tools through digital reinterpretation.
Lee Janguk
李 二 男
2010 获延世大学传播学研究生院影视艺术学博士学位
1995 毕业于朝鲜大学美术大学雕塑系
2010 选美术奖
2009 大韩民国 今年的青年作家奖
2005 光州市立美术馆 今年的青年作家奖
2002 第八回光州美术奖
三星电子 专属赞助作家 / 2013 光州影视艺术大展 艺术导演 / G20 首尔峰会 被推定为作家 / K-ART 工程作家 / 2014东亚文化城市 影视导演 / 2015 光州 国际大学生运动会 美术总监
个展 (35个)
2016 '根子站起来',Anndo FineArt 画廊,柏林,德国
'数码 水',水源I'PARK美术馆, 水源
Lee, Lee-Nam Selected Exhibition, Katara Art Center, 卡他
2015 纽约 Korea Society 个人展,纽约
韩日中峰会 影视艺术 展示
基加利国庆日纪念展, 卢旺达韩国大使馆,卢旺达
光的语言-2015威尼斯双展,画廊GMA, 首尔
亚洲文化殿堂 开馆庆典<李二男:Second Edition >, 亚洲艺术剧场,光州
2014 迈克尔·舒尔茨画廊个人展,德国
Heritage, Legacy and Light, 巴黎UNESCO本部,巴黎
2013 Nature & Gogh, LIAN画廊,大丘
'晚安模拟,早上好数码'展,KUAI FUNG HIN Art Gallery, 香港
群展 (800个以上)
2016 'lee leenam's good morning digital', jeorgetown festival, 滨城,马来西亚
'H?henrausch (Thrill of Heights) - Other Angels', Energie AG, 林茨 , 奥地利
'2016 南道 阿里郎', 河南省 艺术馆, 郑州, 中国
'世界庭院展', 莱特博格博物馆, 苏黎世, 瑞士
'回来吧 到釜山港', 二十一名韩国现在美术作家组展, 维斯特富森博物馆, 挪威
'韩国螺钿', 亚洲美术馆, 圣佛朗西斯科
涧松文化展 '日常,梦想与风流, DDP设计中心, 首尔
'童话世界', 浦项市立博物馆, 浦项
Atelier Story展, 艺术殿堂 HANGARAM 美术馆, 首尔。
Ningbo International Contemporary Art Exhibition, 宁波, 中国
Matiére Nouveau, Opera画廊, 首尔
2015 Imagining Place, Willoughby Visual Biennale, 威洛比, 澳大利亚
个人的构筑物展, 威尼斯美展, 意大利
Flowers to Forest, The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, 堪萨斯城, 美国
韩法建交130周年纪念 '韩国美术的根源和现代作家', Helio Art, 法国
Hello Art, 光州市立美术馆, 光州
Have a Good Day, Mr.Kim!, Michael Horbach Foundation, 德国
亚洲设计中心, 光州设计双年展, 光州
韩国 UNESCO 影视艺术 '创意城市光州', 1周年纪念特展, 无觉寺, 光州
亚洲 民主主义的纬纱和经线, 国立亚洲文化殿堂, 光州
2014 START ART, The Saatchi Gallery, 伦敦
Simultaneous Echoes展, The Portabat Museum, 阿根廷
2013 神户双年展, 神户
UN-IOC Forum 展, 纽约
2012 釜山双年特展, 釜山
2011 成都双年展, East Chendu-Music Park, 成都
2010 韩俄建交20周年纪念 开模式 影视艺术, 莫斯科大剧院, 莫斯科, 俄罗斯
第1回 南京双年展, 南京
2009 耶鲁大学美术馆茶文化邀请展, 康涅狄格, 美国
第3回莫斯科双年展, 莫斯科, 俄罗斯
Korean Eye : Moon Generation, The Saatchi Gallery, 伦敦, 英国
2008 第3回塞维利亚双年展, 阿罕布拉宫, 西班牙
2007 亚洲的新浪潮, ZKM, 卡尔斯鲁厄, 德国
2006 首尔国际影视艺术双年展-两个现实, 首尔市立美术馆,首尔
光州双年展, Orchestra展, 光州市里美术馆, 光州
Uly sigg Collection,卢塞恩,瑞士
Barn Joo, 纽约,美国
驻美韩国大使馆, 华盛顿, 美国
胡锦涛令夫人, 中国
匈牙利文化中心, 匈牙利
澳大利亚文化中心, 澳大利亚
北京文化中心, 北京, 中国
韩亚银行, 首尔
驻韩德国大使馆, 首尔
国立中央博物馆, 首尔
SK, 首尔
大林美术馆, 首尔
撒比纳美术馆, 首尔
延世大学, 首尔
Leeum美术馆, 首尔
NHN 公司房屋, 首尔
光阳文化艺术会馆, 光阳
月出山雕刻公园, 灵岩
全南道立大学, 潭阳
韩国放送通讯大学, 光州
朝鲜大学, 光州
5.18纪念基金会, 光州
庆南道立美术馆, 庆南
三星集团 人力开发院, 京畿道
京畿道立美术馆, 京畿道
济州岛现代美术馆, 济州
全南道立美术馆, 全罗南道
釜山市立美术馆, 釜山
国立现代美术馆, 果川
恐龙博物馆, 海南
京畿道博物馆, 龙仁
Cyan美术馆, 永川
京畿道美术馆, 安山
1969 Born Damyang Jeonnam
2013 Completed DFA courses, Graduate from College of Fine Arts, Chosun University, Korea
1995 Graduated from Chosun University, Department of Art University Ridicule
2010 22th Sun Gallery Art Award
2009 Yong Artist of the Year from The Korean Artist's Day
2005 Artist of the Year from Gwangju Museum of Art
Gwangju Shinsegae Art Competition Grand Prize
2002 The 8th Gwangju ART Prize
Selected as a Ha Jeong-Ung Artist
Exclusive Artist of Samsung Electronics / World Conservation Congress honorary ambassador / Gwang ju UNESCO Media Art Creative Cities Advisory Committee / Korea UNESCO Commission honorary ambassador / Artistic director of Gwangju Media Art Festival 2013 / G20 Seoul Summit Selected artists / K-ART Project Selected artists / 2014 East Asia Cultural City Video Director / Universiade Gwangju 2015 Art director
Selected Solo Exhibitions
2016 'At the rising of the roots', Ando Fine Art Gallery, Bellin, Germany
'Digital 水', Suwon Ipark Museum Of Art, Suwon
Lee, Lee-Nam Selected Exhibition, Katara Art Center, Qatar
2015 MINDO, VELAZQUEZ AND ANTS, The Korea Society, New-York, USA
South Korea, Japan, China summit Media Art Exhibition, Seoul
Kigali National Holiday Exhibition, Embassy of the Republic of Korea to the Republic of Rwanda
'Language of light' , Gallery GMA, Seoul
Lee Lee Nam; Second Edition, Opening Festival Aisan Arts Theatre, Gwangju
2014 DILLUSION, Galerie Michael Schultz, Berlin, Germany
Heritage, Legacy and Light, UNESCO Paris, France
Good Night Analog Good Morning Digital, Soul Art Space, Busan, Korea
2013 Nature & Gogh, Leeahn Gallery, Korea
Good Night Analog Good Morning Digital, Kwai Fun Hin Art Gallery, Hongkong
Kalamazoo Museum of Art, Michigan, U.S
Selected Group Exhibitions
2016 'Gardens Of The World', Museum Rietberg Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
'Please Return to Busan Port', Vestfossen Museum, Vernissage, Norway
'MOTHER-OF-PEARL LACQUERWARE FROM KOREA', Korean Art Asian Art Museum, San Francisco, U.S.A
Korean Genre And Figure Paintings, DDP Design Museum, Seoul
Wonderland, Pohang Museum Of Steel Art, Pohang
Atelie Story Exhibition, Seoul Arts Center, Hangaram Art Museum, Seoul
Ningbo International Contemporary Art Exhibition, ningbo, china
Matiére Nouveau, opera gallery, seoul
2015 Imagining Place, Willoughby Visual Arts Biennial, Willoughby
Personal Structures - Crossing Borders, Palazzo Mora, Venice
Flowers to Forest, The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, USA
'Les Beaux-Arts Coreens (minwha) et les arts Contemporains', Passage de Retz, Paris, France
Asian design hub, Gwangju Design Biennale
Gwangju UNESCO City of Media Arts 1st Anniversary Celebration Special Exhibitions, Mugaksa
2014 START ART, London, Satchi Gallery
2013 Kobe Biennial, Kobe, Japan
UN-IOC Forum, New York, U.S.
2012 Busan Biennale, Busan
2011 Chengdu Biennale, East Chendu-Music Park, Qingdao, China
2010 The 20th Korea and Russia relation opening media art, Bolshoi Theater, Moskva, Russia
1st Biennale of Nanjing, Nanjing
2009 Invited Tea Culture Nations, Yale University Art Gallery, Connecticut, U.S.
The 3rd Moscow Biennale, Moscow, Russia
Korean Eye: Moon Generation, The Saatchi Gallery, London, U.K.
2008 The 3rd Biennale Sevilla, Alhambra Palace, Granada, Spain
2007 New Asian Waves, ZKM, Karlsruhe, Germany
2006 Seoul international Media Art Biennale. Seoul
The 6th Gwwangju Biennale Special Exhibition-Art Orchaestra, Gwangju Meseum of Art Gwangju
Cheong Wa Dae(The President of Office)
Samsung Electronics
63Building, Seoul
Bund18 Creative Center, Shanghai
Uly sigg Collection, Luzern, Switzeland
Embassy of Korea in America, Washington, USA
Yale University, Connecticut, USA
UN Headquaters, USA
Hungary cultural Center, Hungary
Hana Bank Headquarters, Seoul
Embassy of Germany in Korea, Korea
National Museum of Korea, Seoul
SK Headquarters, Seoul
Daelim Contemporary Art Museum, Seoul
Sothbys, Hong Kong
Barn Joo - New York, USA
Korean Cultural Center, China
Australia Culture Center, Australia
H.K Bank Sarasin, Hongkong
Savina Museum, Seoul
Yonsei universty, Seoul
Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul
Leeum Museum of Art, Seoul
Seoul Administrative Court, Seoul
NHN Company Building, Seoul
Gwangyang Culture and Arts Center
Wolchulmountain Sculpture Park, Youngam
Jeonnam damyang provincialcollege
Korea national open university, Gwangju
Chosun University, Gwangju
5.18 Memorial Foundation, Gwangju
Gyeungnam Museum of Art, Gyeungnam
Samsung Human Resources Development center
Geumram Streer, Gwangju
JeJu Museum of Art, JeJu
Jeunnam Museum of Art, Jeunnam
Busan Museum of Art, Busan, Korea
National Museum of Contemporary Art, Gawchein
Butterfly Museum, Hampyeong
dinosaur Museum, Haenam
Gyeonggi-do Art Gallery, YongIn
Cyan Museum, of Art, Yungchun
Gwangju MBC, Gwangju
Gwangju KBS, Gwangju
Gyeonggi-do Museum of Art, Ansan
Gwangju Metropolitan city , Gwangju