

开幕时间:2016-11-12 16:00:00








  太平洋之名起源自拉丁文"Mare Pacificum",原意为"平静的海洋"。而在这平静的波面之上却是岛国林立,独特的地缘性使岛国间的关系牵扯进诸多复杂的因数。新加坡正是西太平洋上重要的岛国之一,近年来它在东南亚当代艺术世界的异军突起,涌现出不少极具实验意识的前卫艺术,而陈志伟正是在这股升腾气旋之上的艺术家之一。本次展览作为独立艺术矩阵计划的项目之一,陌上实验联合小启组共同推出他在中国的首次个人艺术项目--《西太平洋》
  第一件作品关于水 ,作品被命名为《>H2O》。
  新加坡的水供给的来源最初只有一个,就是从马来西亚购买的。但每次双边关系有了矛盾,马来西亚的官员都会以切断水源为由公开威胁新加坡。例如,1998年,马来西亚的信息部长Mohamed Rahmat (莫哈迈德.拉赫迈特)就以切断水源威胁过新加坡。经过艰苦的技术革新,坚决的政治意愿以及民族决心,新加坡这个热带岛国现在仅有30%的水源供给来自于马来西亚。其他的70%来自于众多的雨水收集基础设施,水的循环使用以及海水淡化,造就了非凡的资源管理成就。尽管水资源供给对于马来西亚的依赖有所减少,新加坡总理最近仍警告说,给新加坡供水的马来西亚的林桂(linggiu)水库水位已降至警戒线。
  新加坡也严重依赖土地来建设基础设施和公共住房项目。新加坡是目前世界上最大的沙子进口国和人均居民消费沙最多的国家。2010年,由于其对沙子的需求而产生的非法沙子交易和走私,新加坡被指责破坏了柬埔寨的环境。全球见证组织(Global Witness),一个从事环境事业的国际非政府组织曾说,"新加坡在沙子挖掘方面并没有减少社会和生态成本的事实,反映出了其大局上的虚伪"当地渔民却抱怨他们的生计都被毁了,挖沙船一来,当地的鱼类和螃蟹收成骤减。群众表示他们并没有从挖沙活动中获利,反而,"人们都要挨饿了,最近戈公岛的群众都落泪了。"新加坡官方匆忙发布了一份回绝指控的声明,表示国家正"致力于保护全球环境"。该声明称,"国家并没有宽恕非法出口和沙子走私,或者任何违反输出国法律和环保规定的沙子运出行为。"新加坡政府坚持其立场,表示已经尽最大努力遵守国际法和惯例,并坚称输出国需承担更大的责任来确保一切活动的合法性。

  Singapore artist Anthony Chin solo exhibition: Western Pacific
  Curator: Wang Jiang
  Project Director: Gao Xiao Wei (Mo Shang Experiment)
  Appointed Executive: Chen Ling Jie (Xiao Qi Zu)
  Joint Production: Mo Shang Experiment, Xiao Qi Zu
  Exhibition opening:: 12 November 2016, 4pm
  Exhibition duration: 12 - 25 November 2016
  Organiser location: Mo Shang Experiment , 313 Qixingxi Street, 798 Art District, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China
  Mo Shang Experiment is proud to announce, in conjunction with Xiao Qi Zu, on 12th November 2016, we will be jointly introducing Singapore artist Anthony Chin's first solo exhibition <Western Pacific>. The theme of the show surrounds Singapore's resource and geopolitical issues. Curated by Wang Jiang, the exhibition will last through till the 25th November 2016.
  Introduction to the exhibition:
  In our globalized world, new walls are forming due to xenophobic ideas & nationalistic protectionism. In this show, the artist Anthony Chin attempts to scale over these walls erected around us by presenting the works as gifts to the friends in Beijing. The works/gifts is based on subject of two precious resources that Singapore does not posses.
  The tiny island state, struggles with a lack of natural resources and imports such basic resources for its survival and growth.  As a resource, both water and sand is politicised and has seen its fair share of straining bilateral ties between the city state and its neighbours.
   Natural resources continues to affect Songapore and its neighbours. The works presented originates from the sense of vulnerability due to the uncertainty in accessing such basic resources, while supply also continues to affect livelihood in the region.
  The exhibition presents two pieces of work:
  The first work deals with the subject of water and is titled: >H20 (Greater than H20)
  Originally,  Singapore's sole source of water supply was purchased from Malaysia. Malaysia's officials' thread of cutting water supply to Singaproe has cropped up through the years, especially when political differences and tensions surfaced. For example, Malaysia's Information Minister Mr Mohamed Rahmat held out the threat of turning off waters supply to Singapore in 1998.
  Through technology, political will and determination, the tropical island state now relies on Malaysia for 30% of its water supply. The other 70% comes from massive rain collection infratstructure, renewing used water and sea water desalination - making a remarkable resource management achievement.
   Even with a reduction in realiance on Malaysia for water, Singapore's Prime Minister recently warned that water levels in Malaysia's Linggiu reservoir that supplies to the island state has depleted to an alarmingly low level.
  The second piece of work deals with the subject of sand and is titled: The merchant
  Singapore relies heavily on sand for it's building of infrasturcture and public housing programs. United Nation Environment Program reported that Singapore is by far the largest importer of sand worldwide.
  With political tensions, legal sand import options are limited. In 2010, Singapore was accused of hurting Cambodia's environment with its demands for sand, through illegal trade by smugglers. Global Withness, an international non-governmental organisation for the entironment, said Singapore's failure  "to mitigate the social and ecological cost of sand dredging represents hypocrisy on a grand scale."
   Local fishermen, meanwhile, complain that their livelihoods have been destroved as fish stocks and crab harvests have plummeted since the dredging vessels arrived… Communities explained that they had not benefited from the sand dredging in any way.
  The Singapore authorities promptly issued a statement to deny the accusations. It said that the country is "commited to the protection of the global environment." It claimed that "it does not condone the illegal export or smuggling of snad, or any extraction of sand that is in breach of the source country's laws and rules on environmental protection."
   Singapore government contineus to take the position that it has done what it can to adhere to interantional law and practices, and insists thtat is it's the source countries which have the bigger responsibility that things are done legally.
  About the artist:
  Anthony Chin, contemporary artist, graduated from United Kingdom's Royal College of Art and has been exploring the field of conceptual art. He is focused on issues that pertains humanity. He also seeks unique ways of crystalizing observations found in the highly complex flow of information around the world, learning widely from it to generate cross-platform and cross-media works. They range from public art, installation, sculpture, drawing, paintings etc. He works and lives in Singapore.
  About MoShang Experiment
  Located in 798 art district, MoShang Experiment is a non-profit experimental art space with independent exhibition area sponsored by Moshang gallery.  It isresolved to protect the vanguardism and purity of contemporary art practice andencourage to explore new horizon of art definition. Moreover, by promoting global communication and cooperation between independent art spaces, itinitiates independent art projects matrix, encouraging, sponsoring andre commending promising artists and curators with independent and experimental spirits.


