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“这就是我”AccessAbility | 摄影肖像X影像服装展
参展艺术家:Markus Marcetic, 丛妍
2021年9月25日至10月24日,往来文化将与瑞典对外交流学院和丹麦文化中心联合推出“这就是我”(AccessAbility)展览及系列活动。展览呈现了26位来自不同背景和各行各业的主人公的肖像。他们的故事传递着他们的希望、愿景和梦想。这26位人士身患不同类型的残障,但他们代表的是他们自己,而不是身体的残障。残障不能定义他们是谁。展览还将展示无障碍服装以及不同功能的轮椅等物品和设计,以增进观众对残障人士需求的了解。 在联合国《残疾人权利公约》中,“无障碍”的英文是“accessibility”,其含义为可及性,易进入性——每个个体都能真实、平等地融入社会。每个联合国成员国必须通过政策对抗歧视,消除不平等差距,并将无障碍纳入日常生活。每个人都可以为一个更加多样化、更加平等的社会做出贡献。给予每个人同等的机会被了解、被倾听是朝着正确的方向迈进的一大步。 这26幅肖像无法全面讲述中国约9000万残障人士的生活,也无法充分展示瑞典约7万登记在册的残障人士的生活。但他们的声音让我们清楚地感受到,我们的共同之处要比不同之处多得多。 通过这次展览筹备,我们获得了许多全新的经验。例如,某些感官或器官的缺失会激发生命用另一种代偿方式去感受和认知,例如障碍不是个绝对的概念,每个生命都有它的局限。所谓平等,并非区别对待,而是无间融合。 From 25 September to 24 October 2021, the exhibition "AccessAbility" will be brought to InterCulture's space in Guangzhou's Huangpu Ancient Port. AccessAbility portrays 26 individuals from various backgrounds and walks of life; 26 people whose hopes, desires, and dreams are shared with the visitors of this exhibition; 26 people who have different types of disabilities but who all stand for themselves, not for their disability. Their common message is that impairment does not determine who you are. The exhibition will also display textiles developed by Universal Fashion Lab (UFL) of the Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology (BIFT), as well as wheelchairs with different functions, in order to enhance public understanding of the needs of people with disabilities. Why is the title called "AccessAbility"? In the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the term "accessibility", instead of "barrier-free", indicates that every individual is capable of integrating into society in a meaningful and equal way. In the UN's 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the slogan "Leave no one behind" is the central promise that each UN member undertakes to work towards closing the gaps of inequality by combating discrimination and by incorporating accessibility in everyday life. This project intends to visualize that all individuals can contribute to a more diverse and equal society. The 26 portrays cannot tell the whole story about the lives of some 90 million people with disabilities in China, nor the 70,000 people registered as having disabilities in Sweden. But their voices tell us that there is more that unites us than divides us. With the exhibition of these 26 portraits, and a series of interactive side events, InterCulture wants to convey that we are one of a kind; we all want a life in dignity, in a world that treats all of us fairly and equally. This fight has not yet been won. But if arts give everyone the same chance to be seen and heard, this seems to be a step in the right direction. AccessAbility is a co-production between the Swedish Institute, the Danish Cultural Centre and InterCulture. Portraits were captured by Swedish photographer and filmmaker Markus Marcetic, and by the independent Beijing-based photographer CONG Yan.艺术家与合作机构
Artists & Collaboration
UR制作 国家: 瑞典, 2016年 片长:18分钟