




展览地点:海河美术馆, 棉 3 创意街区


策展人:李裕君, 张长收

参展艺术家:蔡志松、陈鸿志、陈宝国、Chander Parkash(印度)、丁乙、Erdész László(匈牙利)、俸正杰、何云昌、杭春晖、Jacopo Della Ragione(意大利)、李迪、李秋实、刘芯涛、吕山川、刘成瑞、马树青、Matt Hope(英国)、牛大悟(日本)、曲健雄、邱宇、史金淞、松枝悠希(日本)、谭勋、文中言、魏瑶、王波、王琳、王小双、许宏翔、许毅博、许琦、小林麻衣子(日本)、钟飙、张丹、张旭东、张莞


协办单位:798大库艺术中心, 798第零空间


// 学术研讨 // Academic Seminars

2021年12月15日,上午10:00—12:00 December 15th, 2021,10a.m. to 12a.m.

// 学术顾问 // Academic Counselors

贾方舟、朱青生、杨卫、高岭、王端廷、何桂彦、彭锋、张敢、盛葳、段君、付晓东、赵文灵(美国)、朱尚熹、康文峰、李林、李尧、张英超、张朱宇(中国香港) Jia Fangzhou, Zhu Qingsheng, Yang Wei, Gao Ling, Wang Duanting, He Guiyan, Peng Feng, Zhang Gan, Sheng Wei, Duan Jun, Fu Xiaodong, Zhao Wenling (U.S.), Zhu Shangxi, Kang Wenfeng, Li Lin, Li Yao, Zhang Yingchao, Zhang Zhuyu (HK, China)
[video width="640" height="368" mp4="//"][/video] 随着全球一体化进程不断推进,艺术界面慢慢被拉平,更多的艺术家在尝试新的语言系统和承载媒介,寻求新的突破。不仅在表现形式上越来越多元化,从绘画、雕塑到装置、影像、行为,而且在观念表达和问题阐释上也在发生了明显的变化,不再局限于对政治、经济、历史、科技的批判和反思,后疫情时代当代艺术所表达的诉求逐渐倾向于对于人类自身问题的探索和研究,提出质疑的同时,当下所面临的境遇和挑战也变得更加复杂和强烈。 在变幻莫测的局势中,我们很难预测未来的艺术会走向哪里,当下所建构的艺术体系会被未来怎样的体系所取代,我们很难做出明确的判断。然而,我们可以做的是通过一系列较为系统的展览不断呈现当代人的思考和探索,并试图去寻找通向未来的路径。 此次“当代及未来:海河美术馆开馆邀请展”特别邀请了国内外 36 位艺术家及其不同材质、媒介及艺术形式作品参展,将通过引导性观展的方式,结合展览周期内持续的艺术体验活动,向社会广大民众介绍诸如当代绘画、雕塑、装置、 影像等艺术门类的最新思潮。 展览期间,海河美术馆还将举办学术研讨、主题讲座、 美育公开课、艺术沙龙等系列活动,全面立体地向广大市民展示当代艺术的魅力、创新精神与时代气息,普及当代艺术知识。让更多社会大众介入的同时打造新兴文化艺术基地, 共同谱写天津城市艺术图谱、建构城市文化新地标。 With the process of globalization, the platform for art has been flattened. Artists are trying new art languages and media for breakthroughs. From painting and sculpture to art installation, image, and live performance, they enhance the form of expression. The issues and concepts they generate have altered significantly. They are no longer limited to the criticism and reflection on politics, economy, history, and technology. The demands expressed by contemporary art in the post-pandemic era gradually tend to explore and study humanity. The current situation and challenges have become complex and intense. Hence, we need to question ourselves. It is difficult for us to predict what the future of art is like under an unpredictable situation. Yet, we are making effort to find the answer by continuously presenting the reflections and explorations in modern society through a series of systematic exhibitions. HHAM has invited 36 international artists with their artworks in diverse mediums and art forms in the Contemporary and the Future: the Invitational Exhibition of Haihe Art Museum. Through exhibition and art activities, it's our intention to introduce the latest ideology and art in painting, sculpture, device, image, etc. During the exhibition, HHAM will hold activities like academic seminars, theme lectures, aesthetics education open classes, art salons, etc. Present the charm and innovation spirit of contemporary art. Hence, it will enable the public to attend the gallery with the aim of experiencing the multidimensional life through art, helping integrate art and fashion, and composing a cultural landscape mutually. 关于海河美术馆 海河美术馆(Haihe Art Museum,简称HHAM)坐落于天津市海河东岸棉3文化创意街区内,占地面积约600平米。作为一家民营美术馆,海河美术馆组织架构完整,设有展览、教育、研究、收藏相应的职能部门,以艺术为媒,立足天津,放眼全球。 海河美术馆以持续呈现当代艺术家的新近创作,以及具有重要历史价值的作品、表演、音乐、教育、讲座和现场活动在内的多样化项目为主体职责,旨在打造一座具有开放性、国际化和有温度的跨领域文化艺术中心。让公众走进美术馆,体验多维度的艺术与生活,促进艺术与时尚的融合,共谱城市文化图景。 The Haihe Art Museum (HHAM) is located in the Mian 3 Cultural and Creative District on the east of the Haihe River in Tianjin, covering an area of about 600 square meters. As a private art museum, Haihe Art Museum has a complete organizational structure, with corresponding functional departments for exhibition, education, research, and collection. We are a museum with global insight. We keep focusing on the latest artworks by contemporary artists and works with historical value. We also organize events including shows, music, and seminars. We aim to create an open and international cross-field art center. We would like to see the public enter the museum, experience multi-dimensional art and life, promote the integration to see the art trend, create an urban cultural landscape.

