

    安杰艺术在2005年创建 于艺术之都伦敦,创始人为Andrew James先生(安迪)和王静小姐,两位于2006年初 移居上海,经过一年的准备,安杰当代艺术画廊于2007年3月在上海隆重开幕。

    安迪拥有数十年的艺术投资及拍卖行的工作关系,在伦 敦Tennants和宝龙(Bonhams)拍卖行均有多年工作经历。

    王静出生于四川成都,在伦敦学习工作多年,是准英国特 许公认注册会计师,主要管理安杰艺术机构的财务及投资计划,精通中英双语。

    我们拥有一流的中外当代现代艺术家的经典作品, 并且以推广下一代中国当代年轻艺术家作为我们的工作主旨。

    我们致力与客户保持良好关系,帮助藏家寻找需要收藏的 作品.如果您想收藏任何一个艺术家的作品,或许想了解更多有关哪位艺术家的信息 ,我们将会竭诚为您服务。

Andrew James Art was founded in 2005 in London and now based in their 300 sqm gallery space in central Shanghai
in a period colonial mansion.
We are an independent gallery that offers quality work by leading Asian contemporary artists and aim to promote
future generations of graduate artists.

2008 has been an exciting year with solo shows for Dorothy M.Yoon, Sheng Qi, Zhou Yilun and the group show,
"If you're Happy, Clap Your Hands" which brought six young Japanese artists to China.
This year also we will also participate in fairs in Shanghai, London and Miami.

In 2009 we will hold a solo exhibition for Yang Jing in Shanghai, Beijing and London, this will be the artists
and galleries largest show to-date, flying the work between three cities.
We will also participate in fairs in Japan, Hong Kong, London and the USA.
We look forward to seeing you in our gallery or on our travels around the world showcasing Asian Contemporary Art.




电话:+86 (0)21 5228 7550
传 真:+86 (0)21 5228 6289
开放时间:星期二--星期日11时-7时其他时间可 预约
手机: +86 13020 126 765 (中文)
+86 13020 126 552 (英 文)
地址:上海市茂名北路39号(北向南单行,威海路和延安中路之间,靠延安 中路)