潜空间画廊致力于当代艺术的传播与推广,鼓励和支持乐于尝试新观念和新媒介的艺术家,通过展览、出版、合作等方式集中展示 中国当代最有活力和创造力的年轻艺术家。我们通过良好的合作关系和丰富媒体资源在艺术家和收藏群体间搭建桥梁,将有潜质的年青 艺术家推向前台。
Origination Idea
Potential Gallery dedicates to promoting contemporary art, encouraging and supporting new concept and media created by artists, displaying the most dynamic and creative young artists in China through exhibition and publication in collaboration. We aim to build up a bridge in linking potential artists and collectors through fine cooperative relationship.