上海当代艺术馆(MOCA Shanghai) 是由龚明光基金会出资建造,经上海市政府批准的非盈利且独立运作的艺术机构。上海当代艺术馆致力推广中国及全世界的当代艺术。
上海当代艺术馆是以人为本的艺术馆。艺术馆所置身的人民公园,是个对上海市民有特殊历 史意义的地方,艺术馆也肩负将艺术介绍给普罗大众的责任。艺术馆欢迎来自海外游客,同 时也期待来自社会各界的本地观众,包括来自企业界、文化界及教育界等各方面的观众。
Who We Are
The Museum of Contemporary Art Shanghai (MOCA Shanghai) is the first non-profit, independently-operated contemporary art institution in Shanghai. Endorsed by the Shanghai Municipal Government and funded by the Samuel Kung Foundation, MOCA Shanghai is devoted to the promotion of Chinese and international contemporary art.
The Museum is located in the People's Park, directly center of the administrative and cultural hub of the city. Surrounding buildings include the Municipal Government Headquarters, the Shanghai Grand Theatre, the Shanghai Art Museum and the Shanghai Museum. Managed by a team of local and international professionals with extensive curatorial and administrative experiences, MOCA Shanghai intends to lead in nurturing the appreciation of Chinese and international contemporary art and design. In turn, we
hope to encourage cultural exchange between Shanghai and the world. Mission of MOCA Shanghai:
To promote Chinese contemporary art and design locally, nationally, and internationally
To bring to China high quality international contemporary art and design and to encourage global cultural exchange
To collect and research on Chinese contemporary art and design
To serve as an information center for Chinese contemporary art
To nurture the public's appreciation of contemporary art and design
To inspire creativity and contribute to the support of creative industries
To provide a training ground for museum professionals in China
MOCA Shanghai is a museum for the people. Located in the historic People's Park, MOCA will be a popular place for Shanghai residents as well as overseas