“多道”艺术机构是一个当代艺术作坊,英文 :TOTAL ART JAM。 除了架上的艺术品之外,我们致力推动一些音乐及演艺活动。 “多道”的第一个目标是提供一个给艺术家及广大群众交流的平台,第二个目标是鼓励更多超越视觉和视像的创作。
“多道”深信 “真正能感动人心的创作必须来自艺术家的生活感动和丰厚的文化底蕴”。 “多道”选择了“包容”,“不限制”、“不排他”。我们寻求多点感知、感像及感觉。我们视“多道”为一个“活着的”“延续的”艺术行为。
艺术总监 林学强先生
文化总监 王建元教授
常务委员 林学强先生、林汉光先生
香港督导委员 王建元教授、邓豪达先生、鱼王陈法兴先生、严占林先生
海外督导委员 黄瑞瑶小姐、沈亚明先生
名誉顾问 刘文谌教授、一墨先生、郭庆丰先生
总务 高媛小姐、无名仆
总工程师 陈卫先生
“TOTAL ART JAM”, “多道” (当代艺术作坊) in Chinese. In addition to paintings, sculptures, TOTAL will also promote music, mini-total theatre and other performance art and culture. Our primary objective is to provide a platform for artists to communicate with their audiences at close range and at the same time promote art works that are created by artists with a strong cultural background.
TOTAL is encompassing, un-prohibited, non-exclusive for various if not all forms or styles of art. We aim to breakthrough visual expressions and explore perceptions and feelings. We strive to promote meaningful art activities to enlighten our life.
TOTAL was a contemporary art concept/movement started in the 18th century. TOTAL adopted this concept and make itself a continuous and living performance art. Its structure, activities, its members including you and the artists are all essential elements of this piece of art.
I sincerely invite you to become a member of TOTAL, “enjoy” the many activities organized by TOTAL, “feel” TOTAL, “create” TOTAL and become “part” of TOTAL