

来源:99艺术网专稿 2008-12-05

  第六届中艺博国际画廊博览会(CIGE 2009)日前正式与英国著名非盈利艺术机构CAS(The Contemporary Art Society)达成合作伙伴关系,双方的密切合作将为中英两国当代艺术界的交流提供新的契机。CAS与CIGE 2009将通过相互宣传,邀请欧洲藏家参观出席CIGE 2009等一系列措施促进远东同欧洲艺术界之间的交流。

  CAS(Contemporary Art Society)是英国首屈一指的非营利代理机构,建立于1909年,主要事务为艺术品创作委托、及建立收藏家与艺术家之间的联系,以此来扶持本土艺术家并推动当代艺术的发展。

  CIGE 全称为中艺博国际画廊博览会。首届CIGE举办于2004年,经过五年的发展,CIGE现已成为亚洲领先现当代艺术博览会之一。第六届中艺博国际画廊博览会(CIGE 2009)将于2009年4月16日至19日在北京中国国际贸易中心展厅举办。

  CIGE 结束对欧洲考察访问
  2008年12月3日 星期三第六届中艺博国际画廊博览会(CIGE 2009)艺术总监Luca Zordan先生一行人近日结束了对欧洲的考察访问。为配合CIGE 2009招展工作并为特别艺术项目考察艺术家曁邀请策展人,在为期四周的访问中,CIGE团队走访英、法、德等国家众多美术馆,画廊等知名艺术机构。此次访问取得了令人满意的成果,不仅为CIGE 2009特别艺术项目MAPPING ASIA单元的艺术专家委员会成员确定了大部分人选,同时CIGE团队也切身感受到欧洲画廊界对CIGE博览会以及中国当代艺术市场的支持与信心。

  此外,CIGE一行人考察了伦敦FRIEZE艺术博览会,巴黎FIAC艺术博览会,柏林ART FORUM博览会以及都灵艺术博览会,并且与西方同行对当下经济环境下的艺术产业可持续性发展问题上交流了经验与意见,全面拓展了中欧双方在当代艺术交流上的合作空间,为建立CIGE与欧洲当代艺术产业长远而稳固的交流合作打下了坚实的基础。

CIGE 2009特别艺术项目MAPPING ASIA及艺术专家委员会

CIGE 2009展厅二层3000多平米将全部被开辟为名为MAPPING ASIA的亚洲年轻艺术家个展专区,致力于呈现从整个亚洲遴选出的多位年轻、新锐艺术家的个展。CIGE 2009与参展画廊将携手打造此特别艺术项目。同时CIGE 2009将为该项目组织国际艺术专家委员会,此委员会将在预展期间仔细评估亚洲年轻艺术家个展展出作品,并评选出3位最有新意的艺术家。

CIGE 2009
北京中国国际贸易中心 中国北京朝阳区建国门外大街1号

作为亚洲领先的现当代艺术博览会之一的CIGE,将于2009年4月16至19日期间于北京中国国际贸易中心展厅举办第六届博览会。 CIGE 2009将呈现80家来自海内外的杰出画廊展览。此外,CIGE 2009也将呈现特别艺术项目,如MAPPING ASIA,亚洲新锐艺术家个展单元;VIDEO LOOPS,视频艺术单元;SUBLIMINALS,非盈利艺术空间展览单元;以及一个新的项目:INTERNATIONAL SOLO SHOWS,此单元将邀请著名海外艺术家于北京居住并结合自己的艺术理念在CIGE 2009现场进行场地特定艺术(site-specific projects)的创作。

CIGE 2009 established partnership with CAS
Released on Wednesday December 3rd, 2008

Recently the sixth China International Gallery Exposition(CIGE 2009)achieved the partnership with European non-profit art institution CAS (Contemporary Art Society).The bilateral cooperation will create new communication opportunities between CIGE and CAS through a series processes, such as mutually publicizing, inviting European collectors, artists, art enthusiasts to attend CIGE 2009 will be putted into practice, with the purpose of improving artistic communication between Far East and Europe.CAS
CAS(Contemporary Art Society)is the national non-profit agency that supports contemporary artists through the promotion of collecting and commissioning by individuals, and public and private bodies across the UK since 1909.

CIGE is the shortening of China International Gallery Exposition. The first CIGE was launched in 2004 in Beijing. Through the developments in the past five years, CIGE has been considered as one of the top contemporary and modern art fairs in Asia. The upcoming CIGE 2009 will be held between April 16-19, 2009, in the China World Trade Center, Beijing.

CIGE 2009 European trip
Released on Wednesday December 3rd, 2008 The Organizing Committee of the sixth edition of the China International Gallery Exposition (CIGE 2009) has recently come back to Beijing from a trip to Europe.During the period of four weeks, CIGE Organizing Committee visited several art galleries and art institutions in countries such as Great Britain, France, Germany and Italy, in order to promote CIGE in Europe and strengthen the relation with European contemporary art galleries and museums. This visit proved to be positive and full of fruitful results. Most of the members of the Art Expert Committee of CIGE 2009 for the special project MAPPING ASIA have been appointed. The trip was fundamental to develop knowledge and confidence towards CIGE and Chinese contemporary art market among art professionals in Europe. Furthermore, CIGE Organizing Committee also visited some of the most important art fairs in Europe as Frieze (London), Fiac (Paris), Art Forum (Berlin), and Artissima (Turin). The trip presented great chances of communication with western professionals on issues of sustainability and development of contemporary art in the current economic situation. It contributed to establish a wide network of communication and contacts between China and Europe as well as built a solid platform of long-term collaboration between CIGE and the European contemporary art industry.Relevant links:

CIGE 2009 special project MAPPING ASIA and Art Expert Committee
The whole 2nd floor with 3 000 square meters of the Exhibition Hall of the China World Trade Center will exclusively host a number of solo shows of young and emerging artists from Asia. The projects are realized in collaboration with art galleries. During CIGE 2009 Preview the exhibited projects will be evaluated by an international Art Expert Committee, which will act as jury to choose and announce the 3 most interesting ones in occasion of CIGE 2009 Opening Preview.

CIGE 2009
April 16-19
CWTC (China World Trade Center), No.1 Jianguomenwai Avenue, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China
As one of premier contemporary art fairs in Asia, CIGE 2009 will take place in April 16-19, 2009 in China World Trade Center, Beijing. The fair will showcase 80 selected outstanding galleries: 15\% from Mainland China, 70\% from Asia and 30\% from other regions of the world according to the stat. in CIGE 2008.CIGE 2009 will also present curated art projects such as MAPPING ASIA focus on young talented artists in Asia; VIDEO LOOPS will present video, film and documentary screening programs by emerging as well as established artists; SUBLIMINALS will present not-for-sale projects realized by not-for-profit art organizations; last but not least, the brand new project: INTERNATIONAL SOLO SHOWS will invite artists in residency in Beijing and work towards the realization of site-specific projects in CIGE 2009.


