
阿联酋在威尼斯建成国家馆 意在促进本国当代艺术发展

来源:99艺术网 编译:Julia 2009-06-02

阿联酋馆主要艺术家Lamya Gargash,摄相师兼电影制作人。


  从雄心勃勃的阿布扎比(Abu Dhabi)在建博物馆群,到展沙迦双年展(Sharjah Biennial)及迪拜艺术节(Dubai Art Fair),阿联酋开始在国际当代艺术舞台上扮演重要角色。


  今年威尼斯双年展标志着阿联酋展馆的初始,该馆坐落于威尼斯Arsenale的显著位置,由批评家兼策展人Tirdad Zolghadr组织。女艺术家Lamya Gargash的个人展将成为此次阿联酋馆的主要内容。Lamya Gargash是一位摄影师兼电影制作人,主要在迪拜发展其艺术事业。





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阿联酋馆主要艺术家Lamya Gargash的摄影作品


UAE Pavilion


From its ambitious starchitect-designed complex of museums being built in Abu Dhabi, to the Sharjah Biennial and Dubai Art Fair, the United Arab Emirates has grown into a major player in contemporary art. The 38-year-old nation has been astoundingly good at funding and importing Western cultural models, but what about promoting and supporting its own?

This year’s Venice Biennale marks the debut of the UAE Pavilion, organized by the Berlin-based critic and curator Tirdad Zolghadr, who cocurated the 2005 Sharjah Biennial. Placed prominently in the middle of the Arsenale, the exhibition features a solo show by Lamya Gargash, a 27-year-old Dubai-based photographer and filmmaker.





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