在全球艺术市场居于领军地位的佳士得国际宣布,“为拯救地球而竞拍”- 佳士得2010年首次绿色拍卖正式启动。这场慈善拍卖将于2010年4月22日伴随“地球日”40周年而举行。夜场拍卖将在纽约佳士得的洛克菲勒中心举行,并通过佳士得实时在线竞投服务(Christies’s LIVE™)在www.christies.com全球直播盛况。此外,拍卖所得将捐助4家领先的非盈利环境组织:保护国际组织(Conservation International);海洋组织(Oceana); 自然资源保护委员会 (Natural Resources Defense Council),和中央公园保护组织(Central Park Conservancy)。这四家组织均被CharityNavigator.org机构评选为四星级(最高等级)的非盈利环保组织,它们在全球7大洲150个国家均有环保项目及众多支持者。
伴随此次绿色拍卖夜场拍卖,佳士得还将与著名的在线慈善拍卖网站CHARITYBUZZ合作,在www.ABidtoSavetheEarth.org同期举行无声拍卖。佳士得将免收一切买方、卖方佣金。提供碳补偿服务的知名机构NativeEnergy,www.nativeenergy.com,届时将为此次绿色拍卖提供全程碳补偿服务。美国国家广播环球公司(NBC Universal)作为 “绿色环球”(Green is Universal)环保项目的发起方,将成为此次绿色拍卖活动的官方媒体合作伙伴。作为此次佳士得绿色拍卖的品牌合作方,MMB广告公司亦为此次绿色拍卖设计了“为拯救地球而竞拍”这一极具凝聚力的环保主题。
佳士得国际首席执行官Edward Dolman表示:“能和如此众多的慈善家,环保人士,商界和文化界精英们来共同为环保出力,我们感到十分鼓舞和荣幸。我们很高兴能举办此次群星云集的夜场绿色拍卖,与美国国家广播环球公司(NBC Universal)一起向世界传递这一振奋人心的消息,并同CHARITYBUZZ合作举行极具吸引力的无声拍卖。我们相信获得此次拍卖收益的四家非盈利环保组织亦将不遗余力地为提倡和推动环保事业而奋斗。”
当晚的绿色拍卖盛典众星云集,其中很多国际巨星及社会名流还担任了此次绿色拍卖名誉委员会的委员,包括----莱昂纳多•迪卡普里奥(Leonardo DiCaprio),哈里森•福特(Harrison Ford),托比•马奎尔 (Tobey Maguire),弗朗索瓦-亨利•皮诺(François-Henri Pinault),萨尔玛•海耶克(Salma Hayek),鲍勃•费希尔(Bob Fisher),坎迪斯•伯根(Candice Bergen),爱德华•诺顿(Ed Norton),伊夫林•劳德尔(Evelyn Lauder),亚历克•鲍德温(Alec Baldwin),扎哈•哈迪德(Zaha Hadid) ,波姬•小丝(Brooke Shields), 以及 马特•劳尔(Matt Lauer)。
加入绿色拍卖名誉委员会的著名收藏家包括了全球著名的慈善家,艺术家,环保人士以及全球知名媒体。佳士得通过此次绿色拍卖将全球各方力量凝聚在一起,共同为环保这一最终目标而不懈努力。其中的国际知名人士包括:苏•洛克菲勒和大卫•洛克菲勒(Sue and David Rockefeller, Jr. );大卫•罗斯柴尔德(David de Rothschild);安娜及戈莱登•卡特( Anna and Graydon Carter), 布莱恩•威廉姆斯(Brian Williams);卡瑞恩及杰夫•祖科(Caryn and Jeff Zucker) 。
保护国际组织(Conservation International)的首席执行官兼董事会主席 Peter Seligmann表示:“一个日益清晰的事实是,人类个体的幸福及全社会的安定平稳越来越和自然息息相关。地球作为我们共同的家园正在承载越来越多的压力。在这种形势下,创新的资金募捐形式显得尤为重要。此次绿色拍卖活动将利用全球著名拍卖公司佳士得的知识和资源,为保护生态、环境和物种而进行创新的资金募捐,以维护我们赖以生存的共同家园的健康和人类的昌盛。”
在一年一度的以环保为报道主题的“地球周”期间,美国国家广播环球公司(NBC Universal)还将利用其雄厚的广播和网络媒体资源来提升大众的“绿色”意识,提倡环境保护,并宣传“为拯救地球而竞拍”的环保活动。其旗下诸多子品牌亦将通过美国国家广播环球公司(NBC Universal)来共同参与为期一周的环保活动,包括Bravo,美国有线频道(USA Network),Oxygen,今日秀(TODAY Show),走进好莱坞(Access Hollywood),MSNBC频道,CNBC频道,iVillage网站以及当地媒体。
美国国家广播环球公司(NBC Universal)女性及生活时尚娱乐网主席、”绿色环球”(Green is Universal)项目负责人Lauren Zalaznick表示:“作为此次活动的媒体合作伙伴我们感到十分自豪。我们的核心任务是提高公众意识,引导人们用积极的方式影响环境。对美国国家广播环球公司(NBC Universal)来说,第四十个地球日是个绝好的最大力度地全面报道此次活动的机会,并唤起公众对环保机构的支持。”
自然资源保护委员会(NRDC)主席Frances Beinecke表示:“我们十分高兴能够参与这次活动,并和全球最享有盛誉的环保机构合作,从而进一步提倡并推动对我们的星球和未来的可持续性发展。”
在线绿色夜拍将包括基思•泰森(Keith Tyson),林璎(Maya Lin),苏博德•古普塔(Subodh Gupta)和奥拉维尔•埃利亚松(Olafur Eliasson)等艺术家的主要作品。其它拍品还包括了多种多样、令人梦寐以求的名流生活体验,高端的生态旅游和精品珠宝等等。休•杰克曼(Hugh Jackman),克里斯汀娜•阿吉莱拉(Christina Aguilera)和坎迪斯•伯根(Candice Bergen)等诸多名人也将提供各种贵宾体验,接下来还将增加更多的奢侈拍品。
中央公园保护组织(Central Park Conservancy)主席Douglas Blonsky谈到:“很荣幸纽约中央公园保护组织(Central Park Conservancy)能够加入这样的绿色活动,使我们独特的公众/私人合作模式得以彰显,并帮助我们继续为绿化环境作出更大的努力。公众的关注和募捐的资金不仅将有利于提升全球最顶级的公园之一(亦是纽约最具有活力的生态资源),还将有助于我们继续为全球的城市绿色空间设立更好的管理标准。”
海洋组织(Oceana)首席执行官Andrew F. Sharpless表示:“海洋组织(Oceana)能加入佳士得绿色拍卖这一空前的、并具有重要影响力的活动,对此我们感到十分自豪和荣幸。所得的拍卖款项将帮助我们在保护全球海洋方面取得更大的成绩,进一步提升公众为海洋生态而努力的意识,并让他们最终投身到这样的事业中来。”
德意志银行资产管理部(DeAM)全球董事、集团执行委员会成员凯文•帕克(Kevin Parker)表示:“德意志银行气候变化顾问团有幸成为这一空前的绿色拍卖的主赞助方。作为全球气候变化投资和研究的领军者,我们很早就意识到强调环境问题对商业发展影响的重要性。此次绿色拍卖史无前例地将商业机构与非盈利组织联合在一起,我们期待能为解决全球气候变化问题尽我们长期的一份力量。
伴随佳士得绿色夜场拍卖的无声在线拍卖将通过Charitybuzz网站向全球开放,4月8日正式在www.ABidtoSavetheEarth.org启动,直至5月6日。此次无声拍卖连同佳士得实时在线竞投服务(Christies’s LIVE™)一起,可以使全球各地的竞投者能轻松参与绿色拍卖的竞投。无声拍卖还将包含更多中等价位的拍品。
无声拍卖的许多拍品包括名人提供的各种贵宾体验,如与休•杰克曼(Hugh Jackman)在其影片《Reel Steel》片场共度一天;克里斯汀娜•阿吉莱拉(Christina Aguilera)演唱会的贵宾票;与大卫•杜楚尼(David Duchovny)一起参观《加州迷情》(Californification)片场;和鲍比•肯尼迪(Bobby Kennedy)一起上猎鹰训练课;以及与电视明星共进午餐等等。
CHARITYBUZZ的首席执行官Coppy Holzman表示:“我们期待此次绿色拍卖为拯救地球的募捐能取得巨大成功,我们很高兴能通过CHARITYBUZZ为佳士得争取到数千名网上竞拍者。”
巴尼斯纽约精品店(Barneys New York)与时尚品牌Loomstate联手,受美国全国广播公司(NBC )孔雀羽毛标识的启发,创作出一系列100%有机棉T恤。为纪念第40个地球日,T恤的定价为40美元,从4月开始在www.barneys.com和 www.loomstate.org上销售,部分销售收入将通过此次绿色拍卖中的四家非盈利环保组织用于环境保护事业。
如果您有兴趣为此次绿色拍卖捐赠拍品,或赞助该慈善活动,请联系:Toby Usnik(tusnik@christies.com )或Cathy Elkies(celkies@christies.com.)。
佳士得是世界艺术市场的顶尖拍卖行,2009年全球艺术品拍卖及私人洽购的总成交额高达21亿英镑/33亿美元。佳士得拍卖行的名字代表了精美绝伦的艺术品,无可比拟的服务和专业程度,以及国际知名的显赫声誉。 佳士得拍卖行于1766年由詹姆士.佳士得(James Christie)创立,于18、19至20世纪相继举办了最重要的拍卖会,至今依然是珍罕独特艺术品的汇集之地。佳士得每年举行450多场拍卖,涵盖超过80个拍卖类别,包括各类装饰艺术品,珠宝,影像,收藏名品,名酒等等。价格从200美元至8千万美元不等。佳士得在世界30个国家设有53个代表处及10个拍卖中心,包括伦敦、纽约、巴黎、日内瓦、米兰、阿姆斯特丹、迪拜及香港。最近,佳士得率先扩展如俄罗斯、中国、印度、阿联酋等世界新兴艺术市场,并在全球多个城市成功举行拍卖及展览。
关于保护国际组织(Conservation International)
关于自然资源保护委员会 (NRDC)
关于中央公园保护组织(Central Park Conservancy)
中央公园保护组织(Central Park Conservancy)旨在为了自身与后代,与公众共同修复,管理和保护中央公园。CPC是一个私人的非盈利组织,成立于1980年,在纽约市政厅公园和休闲场所管理部门的授权下,管理中央公园。在各方热心人士,机构,基金以及纽约市的慷慨解囊下,CPC已经为中央公园投入了5亿多美元,使其成为全球城市公园的典范。中央公园每年2,500万美元的营运预算中,超过85%的费用由CPC提供,此外还有公园的基本维护。更多信息请浏览www.centralparkconservancy.org。
“绿色环球”是美国国家广播环球公司(NBC Universal)于2007年5月开启的一个长期绿色项目,致力于提升公众的绿色环保意识,积极地改善生态环境,并力争做到其本身运营的“绿色化”。NBCU并为此制作关于环保的影视片,为当地社团机构“绿色化”(go green)出力,引导消费者和雇员们可持续发展和环保理念。更多信息请浏览www.nbcuni.com。
德意志银行气候变化顾问团(DBCCA)是德意志银行资产管理部(DeAM)中从事气候变化投资及研究业务的团队。 DeAM作为全球领先的气候变化项目的投资者,截至2009年9月其所管理的资产约60亿美元。德意志银行气候变化顾问团(DBCCA)拥有自己的一支国际领先科研团队,致力于全球气候变化研究,成为投资领域里的先行者。更多信息请访问:www.dbcca.com
关于巴尼斯纽约精品店(Barneys New York)
巴尼斯纽约精品店(Barneys New York)是一家奢侈零售店,在纽约市,比弗利山,芝加哥,波士顿,达拉斯,旧金山,拉斯维加斯和斯科茨代尔均设有旗舰店。此外,公司还运营两家地区店,19家纽约巴尼斯CO-OP商店,13家工厂直销店。另外,巴尼斯纽约精品店也在日本基于品牌授权使用协议来运营。Barneys.com 为其客户提供巴尼斯品牌精华的网上购物服务。
NativeEnergy是解决气候问题的先驱,也是美国碳市场上公认的领导者,为降低全球变暖趋势而提供碳补偿服务。NativeEnergy利用其独特的“帮助建立”(help build)模式支持和组建崭新的碳补偿项目。我们的客户通过对本土美国人、家庭农场,社区清洁能源项目等方面的财政支持,帮助需要的社区建立可持续发展经济。更多信息请浏览www.nativeevergy.com。
MMB是美国领先的独立广告公司(年收入6亿美元),总部在波士顿,纽约设有办事处。MMB公司为一些大公司客户制定独具创意的品牌计划及解决方案。它曾发起了著名的Noah Wild运动,旨在提升孩子们对野生动物世界的关注与保护。Noah Wild运动所产生的收益将捐赠5家致力于保护动物及其栖息地的组织。更多信息请访问:www.noahwild.com网站。MMB的大客户包括赛百味(Subway), ESPN, Carrabba's Italian Grill, StarKist, 哈佛商学院, New Era Caps, Axis 1 Golf. 更多信息请访问: www.mmb580.com.
Christie’s International, the world’s leading art business, announces “A Bid to Save the Earth” Green Auction. This first-of-its-kind charity auction will take place on April 22, 2010 to coincide with the 40th anniversary of Earth Day. The Evening Sale event will be held at Christie’s, Rockefeller Center, New York and be carried live globally via Christie’s LIVE™ on www.christies.com. Proceeds from the sale will be divided among four leading not-for-profit environmental organizations: Conservation International, Oceana, Natural Resources Defense Council and the Central Park Conservancy. All four beneficiary organizations are 4-Star rated by CharityNavigator.org, its highest rating for not-for-profit organizations. The four participating not-for-profits have programming and supporters across 150 countries and all 7 continents.
Christie’s is partnering with Charitybuzz, the leading destination for online charity benefit auctions, to present a companion silent auction which will be hosted at www.ABidtoSavetheEarth.org. Christie’s will waive all fees and commissions for the auction. Native Energy, www.nativeenergy.com, a leader in carbon offsetting, will provide carbon offsets for the entire Green Auction. NBC Universal, as part of its ongoing environmental initiative, “Green is Universal,” will serve as the official media partner for the event. Advertising firm MMB, as Christie’s branding partner, created “A Bid to Save the Earth” as the unifying theme for this worthwhile and groundbreaking initiative.
“We are inspired and honored to convene top members of the philanthropic, environmental, business and cultural communities to benefit the environment,” said Edward Dolman, CEO of Christie’s. “We are equally pleased to present a stellar evening auction and to partner with NBC Universal in telling this exciting story with Charitybuzz in building such a compelling silent auction; and of course our four charity partners, who will do what they do best with the proceeds: advocate for the environment.”
The Evening Sale will be a star-studded event with top celebrities serving on the Green Auction Host Committee that includes: Leonardo DiCaprio, Harrison Ford, Tobey Maguire, François-Henri Pinault, Salma Hayek, Bob Fisher, Candice Bergen, Ed Norton, Evelyn Lauder, Alec Baldwin, Zaha Hadid, Brooke Shields, and Matt Lauer.
“It is becoming increasingly clear that our wellbeing as individuals and as a global society hinges on nature. With pressure mounting on our shared home, Earth, innovative fundraising strategies are more important than ever. This particular initiative will use the knowledge and resources of a world class auction house to raise much needed funds which will go directly towards the maintenance and protection of the ecosystems, habitats and species that are the framework of a healthy planet where all people can prosper” said Peter Seligmann, CEO and Board Chairman of Conservation International.
During its annual “Earth Week” of environmentally themed coverage, NBCU will use its vast portfolio of both on-air and online media assets to raise “green awareness,” promoting environmental messages and “A Bid to Save the Earth” campaign’s call to action. A wide array of talent will participate throughout the week across NBCU brands including Bravo, USA Network, Oxygen, TODAY Show, Access Hollywood, MSNBC, CNBC, iVillage and local media.
“We are proud to be the media partner for such a worthy cause,” said Lauren Zalaznick, President of NBC Universal’s Women & Lifestyle Entertainment Networks, who oversees ‘Green is Universal.’ “Our core mission is to raise awareness and activate consumers to positively impact the environment. On the 40th anniversary of Earth Day, it couldn’t be a better time to mobilize the NBCU assets to provide maximum exposure, and help drive support for these environmental organizations.”
Top collectors on the Host Committee include a who’s-who of philanthropists, artists, environmentalists, and media from all over the world. Christie’s is serving as the global catalyst in bringing all of these vibrant communities together to benefit one end: the environment. Luminaries such as: Susan and David Rockefeller, Jr., David de Rothschild, Anna and Graydon Carter, Brian Williams, Caryn and Jeff Zucker, and Kelly and Ron Meyer are just a few of the dignitaries who will be participating in this unprecedented event.
“We are pleased to be part of this extraordinary partnership that is bringing together some of the world’s most well-respected environmental groups,” said Frances Beinecke, president of the Natural Resources Defense Council. “By working together, we strengthen the chorus of voices advancing a sustainable vision for our planet and our future.”
The live auction will include major works from artists including Keith Tyson, Maya Lin, Subodh Gupta, and Olafur Eliasson. Other lots will include coveted celebrity experiences, upscale eco-vacations and exquisite jewelry. Hugh Jackman, Christina Aguilera, and Candice Bergen are just a few of the talented stars offering VIP experiences, with additional luxury items secured daily.
Christie’s Green Auction will set a new standard in cooperation between commercial and not-for-profit organizations. Christie’s is in a unique position to serve as a bridge between the past and the future by linking these many spheres of influence in a revolutionary way.
“The Central Park Conservancy is thrilled to join this initiative that allows us to highlight our unique model of public/private partnerships and helps us continue to invest in our efforts to green this urban landscape. The attention and money raised will not only go toward enhancing one of the world's greatest parks and one of New York City's most vital resources, but will enable us to continue to set the standard for management of green spaces in urban areas everywhere,” said Douglas Blonsky, President of Central Park Conservancy.
In addition to bidding in the Green Auction, the public is invited to make a symbolic bid for the environment leading up to Earth Day this April 22nd. Simply visit www.ABidtoSavetheEarth.org and select from one of four areas in order to participate in this Call-To Action: Donate, Volunteer, Educate or Green your routine. Guests travelling to New York are encouraged to visit: www.nativeenergy.com to arrange for carbon offsets for their travel to the Green Auction, in the hopes of making the auction as carbon neutral as possible.
“Oceana is proud and honored to join Christie’s as part of the Green Auction. It is going to be a groundbreaking, important and impactful event. The funds we raise will help us to win more victories on behalf of the world’s oceans all over the world. Shining such a bright spotlight on the need to save our oceans will help to save them by getting more people informed and, ultimately, involved.” -- Andrew F. Sharpless, CEO of Oceana.
“Deutsche Bank Climate Change Advisors is honored to be the lead sponsor for the inaugural Green Auction. As a global leader in climate change investment and research, we have long recognized the business imperative of addressing environmental issues. This event is an unprecedented collaboration between commercial and not-for-profit organizations and we look forward to making a lasting contribution to business involvement in finding solutions to the climate change problem.” -- Kevin Parker, Global Head of Deutsche Asset Management (DeAM) and member of Deutsche Bank’s Group Executive Committee.
The Christie’s Green Auction companion silent auction will use online bidding powered by Charitybuzz, launching at www.ABidtoSavetheEarth.org on April 8, and run through May 6. The silent auction will facilitate global participation like Christie’s LIVE, and carry more moderately priced lots.
Lots for the sale on silent auction will include celebrity packages such as spending a day with Hugh Jackman on the set of his movie “Reel Steel’, VIP tickets to a Christina Aguilera concert, a Californification set visit with David Duchovny, falconry lessons with Bobby Kennedy, and lunch with a major television star.
“We anticipate The Green Auction to be a momentous achievement in fundraising to save the earth, and we are excited to help Christie’s reach thousands of online bidders through Charitybuzz” said Coppy Holzman, CEO of Charitybuzz.
Barneys New York partnered with sustainable fashion brand Loomstate to create a series of 100% certified organic cotton T-shirts inspired by the NBC peacock feathers. Priced at $40.00 in honor of the 40th anniversary of Earth Day, the T-shirt will be available for sale at www.barneys.com and www.loomstate.org beginning in April and a percentage of all proceeds will benefit the environment via the four not-for-profits in the Green Auction.
Those interested in donating major works of art or sponsoring this charitable cause may contact: Toby Usnik at tusnik@christies.com or Cathy Elkies at celkies@christies.com.
About Christie’s
Christie’s, the world’s leading art business had global auction and private sales in 2009 that totaled £2.1 billion/$3.3 billion. Christie’s is a name and place that speaks of extraordinary art, unparalleled service and expertise, as well as international glamour. Founded in 1766 by James Christie, Christie’s conducted the greatest auctions of the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries, and today remains a popular showcase for the unique and the beautiful. Christie’s offers over 450 sales annually in over 80 categories, including all areas of fine and decorative arts, jewelry, photographs, collectibles, wine, and more. Prices range from $200 to over $80 million. Christie’s has 53 offices in 30 countries and 10 salesrooms around the world including London, New York, Paris, Geneva, Milan, Amsterdam, Dubai and Hong Kong. More recently, Christie’s has led the market with expanded initiatives in emerging and new markets such as Russia, China, India and the United Arab Emirates, with successful sales and exhibitions in Beijing, Mumbai and Dubai. For more information, please visit www.christies.com.
About Conservation International
Building upon a strong foundation of science, partnership and field demonstration, CI empowers societies to responsibly and sustainably care for nature for the well-being of humanity. With headquarters in the greater Washington, D.C. area, CI works in more than 40 countries on four continents. For more information about CI, please visit www.conservation.org.
About Natural Resources Defense Council
The Natural Resources Defense Council is a national, non-profit organization of scientists, lawyers and environmental specialists dedicated to protecting public health and the environment. Founded in 1970, NRDC has 1.3 million members and online activists, served from offices in New York, Washington, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Beijing. For more information about NRDC, please visit www.nrdc.org.
About Oceana
Oceana campaigns to protect and restore the world’s oceans. Our teams of marine scientists, economists, lawyers and advocates win specific and concrete policy changes to reduce pollution and to prevent the irreversible collapse of fish populations, marine mammals and other sea life. Global in scope and dedicated to conservation, Oceana has campaigners based in North America, Europe and South and Central America. More than 300,000 members and e-activists in over 150 countries have already joined Oceana. For more information about Oceana, please visit www.Oceana.org.
About Central Park Conservancy
The Central Park Conservancy’s mission is to restore, manage, and preserve Central Park, in partnership with the public, for the enjoyment of present and future generations. The Central Park Conservancy is a private, not-for-profit organization founded in 1980 that manages Central Park under a contract with the New York City Department of Parks & Recreation. Thanks to the generosity of many individuals, corporations, foundations, and the City of New York, the Conservancy has invested more than $500 million to date into the Park, making it a model for urban parks worldwide. The Conservancy provides more than 85% of Central Park’s annual $25 million operating budget and is responsible for all basic care of the Park. For more information, please visit www.centralparknyc.org.
About Charitybuzz
A leader in cause marketing, Charitybuzz (www.charitybuzz.com) aligns nonprofits with international brands and celebrity icons to raise funds through innovative online auctions. Featuring the world’s most coveted pop culture experiences, special events, luxury destinations, exquisite art, jewelry, fashion and sports memorabilia, Charitybuzz brings its online community of socially conscious bidders exclusive opportunities to make a difference. The company enables its bidders to truly do good and live well, generating millions of dollars for charities around the globe. To learn more, please visit www.charitybuzz.com or email info@charitybuzz.com.
About Green is Universal
Launched in May 2007, "Green is Universal" is NBC Universal's ongoing green initiative dedicated to raising Green awareness, effecting positive change to the environment, and substantially greening its own operations. As part of this effort, NBCU is committed to producing environmentally conscious film and television; creating incentives for local communities to “go green,” and educating both consumers and employees about sustainability and the environment. For more information, please visit www.nbcuni.com
About Deutsche Asset Management and DB Climate Change Advisors
With approximately $695 billion in assets under management globally as of September 2009, Deutsche Bank’s Asset Management division is one of the world's leading investment management organizations, not just in size, but in quality and breadth of investment products, performance and client service. The Asset Management division provides a broad range of investment management products across the risk/return spectrum.
DB Climate Change Advisors (DBCCA) is the climate change investment and research business of Deutsche Asset Management (DeAM). DeAM is one of the leading climate change investors in the world, with approximately $6 billion under management as of September 2009. With a world-class in-house research team focusing on this theme, DBCCA is an investment industry thought-leader on a broad range of climate change dynamics.
About Barneys New York
Barneys New York is a luxury retailer synonymous with the most intriguing and stylish names in fashion. The Company operates flagship stores in New York City, Beverly Hills, Chicago, Boston, Dallas, San Francisco, Las Vegas and Scottsdale. In addition, the Company operates two regional stores, 19 Barneys New York CO-OP stores and 13 outlet stores. Stores are also operated in Japan under a licensing arrangement. Barneys.com now brings the essence of the Barneys brand to the web shopping experience.
About NativeEnergy
NativeEnergy is a climate solutions pioneer and recognized leader in the US carbon market, offering services that reduce carbon emissions to fight global warming. NativeEnergy uses its distinctive “help build” model to support the construction of new carbon reduction projects. By helping finance construction of Native American, family farm, and community-based clean technology projects, our customers help communities in need of building sustainable economies. For more information, please visit www.nativeevergy.com.
About MMB
MMB is one of the leading independent agencies in the US ( $600 million in billings) with primary headquarters in Boston and a service office in NYC. We work with a short list of premier companies and our specialty is creating compelling brand positions and sales-driven creative solutions across all mediums. MMB has also created a children's brand, Noah Wild, designed to empower kids to make a difference in the wild, wild world. Proceeds from the sales of Noah Wild products go to 5 nonprofits dedicated to protecting animals and animal habitats - learn more at www.noahwild.com. Leading clients of MMB include Subway, ESPN, Carrabba's Italian Grill, StarKist, Harvard Business School, New Era Caps, Axis 1 Golf. For more information about MMB, please visit www.mmb580.com.