

来源:99艺术网专稿 作者:杨永胜 2012-04-10

《心象无常之玫瑰》布面油画 2009 180X180cm


无论是老子的“大象无形”,司空图的“象外之象”还是克莱夫·贝尔的“有意味的形式”,都可以用来阐释那种由于不满足于再现而致力于追求表象后面的真实所产生的绘画艺术形态。这在东方的哲学背景是“道”与“禅”,而西方却是永恒的“真理”。其目的都是为了揭示事物内在的,永恒不变的“本质”。这种绘画形态在西方被称为“抽象”而在中国却是“心象”,“意象”,“象外之象”……阿波的作品绘画语言独特,运用古典写实手法叙述宏大壮观飘渺而又神秘的他自己的宇宙。不管星空如何变幻莫测,阿波的作品有着一个显然的特点——那就是对“象外之象”的不懈的追求、试图呈现“另外一种真实”。 (杨永胜)

Either Lao Zi's "Invisible Power" or Si Kongtu's "Images beyond the Images" or Clive Bell's "Significant Form" can be used to explain the passionate pursuit of the true meaning behind the artistic form of paintings, stemming from the dissatisfaction with “appearance". In Eastern philosophy, it is "Tao" and "Zen" schools of thoughts, while in the West it is the eternal "truth." Its purpose is to reveal the inner and permanent "essence" of things. This form of painting in the West is known as "Abstract" while in China, it is known as "Mental Imagery", "Imagery" and "Images beyond the Images".  ArBo’s paintings are unique, describing the magnificent and mysterious universe of his own in a classical and realistic style. No matter what is the changing world, his paintings embody his pursuit of "Images beyond the Images" as well as a representation of “another truth”.




