2013年度艺术赞助人嘉宾 10:00-11:30 嘉宾演讲
1、Martin Bremond马丁·贝雷蒙
嘉宾简介: 马丁.贝雷蒙从2012年至今担任Artprice网站亚太地区总经理,2008年至今担任Artprice首席经济学家。他在2010-2012年担任EAC集团学校(艺术与文化管理学校)教授,在2007-2008年期间工作于全球节目内容传送商SmartJog 金融部。马丁.贝雷蒙拥有巴黎第一大学文化产业管理和经济学 硕士学位,弗洛伦萨大学政治科学学士学位和雷恩第一大学金融和经济学学士学位。
Martin Bremond now is the Managing Director of Asia-Pacific at Artprice.com and Head Economist at Artprice.com. He was the Professor at Groupe EAC and used to work in Finance Dpt at SmartJog. He got his master degree in Université Panthéon Sorbonne (Paris I) and got bachelor degrees in Università degli Studi di Firenze and Université de Rennes I.
2、Adriano Picinati di Torcello 阿德里亚诺·托切洛
Adriano is a director within Deloitte Art & Finance team, a service line he has been coordinating since its beginning five years ago. Since he joined Deloitte, Adriano has been working closely with the Luxembourg government - including the Ministry for Economy and Foreign Trade, the Ministry for Sustainable Development and Infrastructure and the Ministry for Culture - to promote Luxembourg as a new and innovative cultural hub. He has notably played a key role in the government's decision to set up a Freeport for the storage of valuable goods in Luxembourg (foreseen to be operational Q3 2014). Deeply involved in creating awareness on the "art and finance" subject, Adriano has initiated the international Deloitte Art & Finance Conference that has become the annual benchmark event in the field. He has been working hand in hand with academic partners such as the Maastricht University and the Sotheby's Institute of Art. He has also developed Art & Finance seminars for professional seeking hands-on guidance through the global art market. Being the spokesman of the Art & Finance department, he regularly takes part to national and international conferences about the art and finance sectors. Before joining Deloitte in 2008, Adriano held management positions at Deutsche B?rse Group in the Asia Business Development team and in the Strategic Planning & Research team of the DBAG. He has developed a strong knowledge of the post-trade practices. Adriano graduated from HEC University in Liège with a Master in Business Administration. He then attended Luxembourg School of Finance where he received his M.Sc. in Banking and Finance with highest honours.
备择简介(Deloitte官网介绍):Adriano is a directeur within the advisory and consulting department and has over 15 years of professional experience. He is in charge of coordinating art and finance activities within Deloitte Luxembourg. Adriano started his professional career as an auditor at KPMG. Before joining Deloitte, Adriano worked as a business developer in the financial industry. Adriano was in charge of the development and coordination of Deutsche B?rse Group activities in Asia. Before that, he provided the Clearstream/Deutsche B?rse Group's top management with professional instruments to prepare, support and sustain strategic decisions. Adriano also spent several years with Banque Degroof Luxembourg to develop the group's activities in France through wealth structuring services and the creation, management or co-management and distribution of SICAVs through the concept of multi-management or regulated fund of funds. Adriano has a degree in business sciences and finance, as well as an MBA and an M.Sc. in banking and finance. He is fluent in French, English and has a very good command of Italian.
3、Victor Wiener维克多·威纳
Victor Wiener served as executive director of the Appraisers Association of America for 21 years and is currently an appraiser in private practice and founder of the firm Victor Wiener Associates, LLC. He has worked for several international auction houses in London and New York, including Sotheby's and at Christie's in Rome, where he was Director of the fine arts department. A trained art historian, Mr. Wiener has worked at several museums including the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. He has published extensively and is co-editor and a principal contributor to "All about Appraising", The Definitive Appraisers Handbook. For over twenty years he has been an adjunct assistant professor on the faculty of New York University's Appraisal Studies Program. He has served as an expert witness in several high profile art cases including matters concerning the estates of Andy Warhol and Louise Nevelson. A certified instructor of the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice of the Appraisal Foundation in Washington, D.C., Mr. Wiener has co-authored several standards widely used by the profession, including those of the Appraisers Association of America and the appraisal paper issued by the Inland Marine Underwriters Association for insurance purposes. His testimony as an expert witness for the Government of Canada was influential in establishing case law for donations to charitable institutions in Canada. His practice includes expert witness testimony for the settlement of many art related disputes including high profile insurance claims such as the prominent litigation concerning damage to a Picasso painting owned by Steve Wynn which at the time was the most expensive painting ever to be valued. His company, Victor Wiener Associates, LLC consists of numerous valuation experts who deal with most categories of art valuation and art market consultation.
11:30-12:30 圆桌会议:亚洲艺术博览会发展专题演讲(主持人参与,嘉宾对话)
Art Beijing 艺术博览会负责人
嘉宾简介:董梦阳担任“艺术北京”总监,同时还担任北京画廊协会秘书长。其在1993-2002年承办了十届“中国艺术博览会”,为全国规模最大和业内影响力最大的艺术博览会董梦阳在2004-2005年创办“中国国际画廊博览会”(CIGE),是我国第一个以画廊为参展主体的艺术博览会,开创国内画廊博览会的先河,获得海内外艺术界的一致好评和肯定。董梦阳于2006年创办“艺术北京”(ART BEIJING)博览会品牌,于2006-2011年其间成功举办六届“艺术北京·当代艺术博览会”。2008年9月创办了“艺术北京·影像艺术博览会”,开创亚洲影像艺术博览会的先河;2009年11月创办“艺术北京·经典艺术博览会”;2009-2011年在继续举办“艺术北京·当代艺术博览会”的同时,成功举办三届“艺术北京·经典艺术博览会”,成为我国众多艺术博览会组织者中的领军人物。2011年创办中国第一家画廊业界协会组织--北京画廊协会,并担任秘书长。2012年“艺术北京·当代艺术博览会”与“艺术北京·经典艺术博览会” 同期举行,以空前的20000平米展览面积、52000参观人数、近200家参展机构以及3亿人民币的成交额成为艺术界一年一度的焦点。2013年4月,第九届艺术北京博览会再创新高,167家参展机构、展出的作品约2340件、作品成交量约700件、95%的画廊有成交、展场中的主题展、专题展数目达到7个、举办公益性教育论坛10场,成为中国艺术博览会中的龙头。
Dong Mengyang,both the Director of Art Beijing and Secretary General of Association of Gallery Beijing, got Bachelor Degree at Department of Printmaking of Central Academy of Fine Arts, China. From 1993-2002, he organized 10 editions of China Art Exposition, the largest and most influential art fair in China. From 2004-2005, he cofound the China International Gallery Exposition (CIGE),which is the first gallery exposition in china. In 2006, he established "Art Beijing" art fair brand. From 2006-2011, he organized 6 editions of Art Beijing Contemporary Art Fair. In 2008, he established Art Beijing Photography Art Fair, which is the first Photography Art Fair in Asia. In 2009, he established Art Beijing Fine Art Fair. From 2009-2011, he organized 3 editions of Art Beijing Fine Art Fair, which became the leader among the art fairs in China. In 2011, he found the first association of gallery in China-Association of Gallery Beijing, elected the Secretary General. In 2012, he held Art Beijing 2012 with Art Beijing Contemporary Art Fair and Art Beijing Fine Art Fair as a joint event, with 20,000 sq. meters of exhibition area, 52000 visitors, nearly 200 organizations participating and a total transaction volume of about RMB 300 million, winning praise from all areas of society
嘉宾简介:表美珊现为表画廊(Pyo Gallery)总裁。1969年表美珊于韩国岭南大学获益用艺术学士学位。1981年创办表画廊。表美珊活跃于高校与商界之间,曾前往海地/南斯拉夫等地进行文化交流。 2005年与韩国国民银行合作,开设艺术银行业务。2006-2008 担任韩国艺术评估委员会主席。2006年在北京开设表画廊,在韩国开启首支艺术品基金。2008 年在北京798艺术区,洛杉矶开设表画廊(Pyo Gallery)。2014年担任第15,6届韩国画廊协会主席,光州双年展委员会成员,表画廊总裁。
Misun Pyo, now the Owner(or President) of Pyo Gallery. In 1969, she graduated Young Nam University, Applied Art, BA. In 1981, she established Pyo Gallery. Pyo is active in both university and business and used to carry art communication program in Haiti and Yugo-Slavia. In 2005, she formed a partnership with Kookmin Bank GOLD & WISE, Opened Art Banking. In 2006, she opened Pyo Gallery Beijing and established Art fund for the first time in Korea. From 2006 - 2008, she was elected to President of Korean Art Appraisal Board. In 2008 , she opened Pyo Gallery 798 at Beijing, Pyo Gallery LA. Now, she is the 15th, 16th President of The Galleries' Association of Korea, member of board of directors of Gwangju Biennale, President of Pyo Gallery.
Art Tokyo艺术博览会负责人
嘉宾简介:金岛隆弘自2010年起担任东京艺博会的执行理事,2008年至今担任远东当代总监,主持远东当代艺术计划,致力于协助亚洲艺术家并鼓励国际艺术交流计划。他在中国台湾,中国,澳洲及日本所策划的展览种类多样,横跨当代艺术,流行时尚和新媒体艺术,例如“Discharge Mode To Order”、(横滨,2008)、“日常事变”(台北,2009)、“下一个现实”(横滨,2009)、“手感的妙”(台北,2010)、“平行的极东世界”(成都,2010)。此外,还有中国艺术家孙逊以及陈维的个展,“主义之外”(横滨,2010)及“漠然之索”(横滨,2011)
金岛于2002年修得庆应义塾大学政治与传媒学院硕士之后,曾有过一段特别的工作经历,包括任职于NOKIA研究中心(芬兰)、TOSHIBA数位媒体公司(日本),和东京画廊+BTAP(中国),而后于2007年进入远东当代。现在金岛隆弘也是“文创都市横滨Creative City Yokohama”艺术计划委员会委员,帮助推动横滨的艺术和文化活动。
Misun Pyo, now the Owner(or President) of Pyo Gallery. In 1969, she graduated Young Nam University, Applied Art, BA. In 1981, she established Pyo Gallery. Pyo is active in both university and business and used to carry art communication program in Haiti and Yugo-Slavia. In 2005, she formed a partnership with Kookmin Bank GOLD & WISE, Opened Art Banking. In 2006, she opened Pyo Gallery Beijing and established Art fund for the first time in Korea. From 2006 - 2008, she was elected to President of Korean Art Appraisal Board. In 2008 , she opened Pyo Gallery 798 at Beijing, Pyo Gallery LA. Now, she is the 15th, 16th President of The Galleries' Association of Korea, member of board of directors of Gwangju Biennale, President of Pyo Gallery.
Art Taipei 艺术博览会负责人
嘉宾简介:1956年生,曾任职(台北)中华电视公司,《华视新闻杂志》、《天涯若比邻》、,《放眼看天下》、 《锦绣河山》等节目执行制作,《画我家乡》节目制作人,晨间新闻《 早安今天》 总执行制作。现为传承艺术中心负责人、台湾画廊协会理事长。
Born in 1956. Former show runner in Chinese Television System(Taiwan) of "CTS NEWS magazine", "A Place nearby", "See the world", and "the magnificent country" etc. Programme Producer of "Picturing of my hometown", "Show runner of Morning news"good morning today" Now is the director of Chuancheng art center, president of Taiwan Gallery association.
Art Mo 艺术博览会负责人
Bachelor of Economics. In early years, he engaged in the planning and marketing work of art fairs. In 2005, he started a media design company in New York. He planned the first art fair in Macao in 2012, hoping to stimulate the local development of art and promote the Macao art cultural theme tour, thus building an international art work dealing platform.
15:00-16:00 艺术与艺术赞助高峰对话 (嘉宾演讲)
9、Leoni Spiekermann 李欧妮·史匹克曼
嘉宾简介:李欧妮o史匹克曼(Leoni Spiekermann)担任杜塞尔多夫北威州艺术品收藏博物馆国家艺术品收藏赞助商协会总经理,她为超过900位贵宾和艺术收藏家承担了超过100个艺术项目和国际收藏旅程。在进入国家美术馆工作之前,她通过5年在欧莱雅集团(L‘Oreal)和施华蔻与汉高集团(Schwarzkopf & Henkel)总部的产品经理工作获得了丰富的市场经验。李欧妮在国外生活了超过5年时间,包括两年在新加坡,她分别在伦敦,牛津,巴黎,蒙彼利埃,和柏林完成了欧洲管理学院的硕士学位。现为ARTGATE艺术品咨询顾问及教育公司总监。
Leoni Spiekermann is General manager of the patrons at the state collection for contemporary art in Düsseldorf (Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen - K20/K21/Schmela Haus). From 2008-2010, she worked as International Brand Manager at headquarter of Schwarzkopf & Henkel GmbH. Form 2005-2008, she was the Product Manager at L'Oréal GmbH. Having lived abroad for more than five years, including a two-year stay in Singapore, Leoni completed her education with Masters Degrees in International Management from the European School of Management including stays in London, Oxford, Paris, Montpellier and Berlin. Now she is the director ARTGATE consulting & connecting the arts.
10、Montiza Tornow Siu 萧梦珊
嘉宾简介:萧梦珊 (Montiza Tornow Siu),于90年代初入职加拿大酒商公司负责亚洲区免税店业务发展及推广工作。1997年, 受聘于泰国曼谷机场免税店任职营运总监. 其后,被德国著名瓷器品牌邀请任职亚太区总监, 负责亚太区业务及品牌管理. 2001年, 从瓷器品牌领域转投世界著名的法国水晶品牌LALIQUE (莱俪) 任职至今约15年。多年来, 除了拓展品牌业务及推广工作外,不断强化品牌精神理念, 同时亦注入艺术价值原素,把品牌形象、产品设计, 销售纲络及业务推广等向各方面发展, 带到不同文化艺术层面, 而溶于生活艺术当中,提升品牌价值. 而品牌理念和价值的蜕变是经营核心,去年, 邀请知名歌唱家及资深艺术家林子祥先生合作限量版水晶项目,更成为近年跨界融合的典范, 巧妙利用林子祥先生绘画的迷宫与LALIQUE水晶结合,带给大众惊喜之余,也受到收藏界欢迎,成为艺术收藏的新方向。同时,每年亦赞助香港非盈利文化团体 “进念二十面体” ,支持实现大型装置或表演项目, 与社会大众互动。另外, 每年亦与不同宗教的非盈利团体举行义卖及直接捐款账灾等回馈社会。不仅积极参与社会公益活动外,更分别担任于香港的佛教禅院及中国当代艺术推广中心的两个非盈利机构任职义务总监。前者以佛理文化之力量,保育大众的心灵健康,让社会更和谐。后者直接在港积极推广中国当代艺术, 让艺术更能普及化和溶入生活中。
Montiza Tornow Siu was in charge of the promotion and development the free zones in Asia for a Canadian vintner in early 1990s. In the year of 1997,she was employed by the Bangkok airport as the DFS operation supervisor. After that, she was invited by a famous Germany porcelain brand to be their head of Asia Pacific region to responsible for the Asia Pacific business and brand management. Since 2001, She has changed her job from the porcelain brand to the famous French crystal crand Lalique, which has been 15years till now. In the past years, she was not only in charge of the promotion but stressing on the brand spirit, and at the same time she fills the brand with elements of art to lead the brand image, production design and selling network develop in many different directions, to the different kinds of cultural and arts, then upgrading the value of the brand. And the core of operation is the brand idea and value. Last year, Lalique invited the famous singer and artist LinZi xiang to involve in the program of the limited crystal, which has become the perfect model of crossover operation. They use the painting of LinZi xiang to combine with Lalique crystal, and this work was so popular with the collectors that it became trendy these years. At the same time, Lalique also found the non-profit group "Zuni Icosahedron" in Hong Kong every year to support their large-scale installation and performance to interact with the public. Besides, they also hold charity sale and donate with non-profit group from different religions to repay the society. Except actively taking part in the public activities, Montiza Tornow Siu is also the director of two non-profit groups-----Chan school of Buddhism in Hong Kong and Chinese Contemporary art promotion center. The former is trying to keep the clear and healthy spirit of the public and make the society more harmonious. The latter's goal is to promote Chinese Contemporary art in Hong Kong to make art popularize in people's lives.
中央美术学院人文学院艺术管理系 副教授
嘉宾简介:韩江鹤拥有纽约哥伦比亚大学工商管理硕士学位,纽约佳士得艺术学院西方现当代艺术鉴赏硕士学位。跨界教育背景和工作经验让其成为中国最先致力于西方艺术机构发展战略研究以及艺术鉴赏学科建设的学者。2007年加入美院后作为艺术鉴赏课程班主要负责人,使该课程成为艺术行业内广受欢迎的模板,并成功地培养出很多优秀人才 - 收藏家,画廊总监等。其研究领域包括西方艺术市场发展历史、非营利机构战略管理,艺术家二级市场数据分析,特别是企业与艺术的战略结合,企业的品牌营销,社会责任感等。学术课题包括《艺术市场发展研究概述》、《早期欧洲艺术赞助研究》、《拍卖公司的国际拓展策略》、《慈善事业与美国艺术市场》、《印象派艺术市场的形成》、《当代艺术与企业收藏》、《中国当代艺术市场发展》,《莫奈的收藏前景》等。曾任苏富比亚洲区市场公关及客户发展总监,为该公司首任中国籍高管,在职期间策划及推动公司的品牌认知以及客户的战略开发。并曾为中信私人银行担任艺术顾问,以艺术为主题推动公司形象及客户发展。
Han got Master of Business Administration in Columbia University and Master of modern and contemporary western art appreciation in Christie's institute of art. Han Jianghe has the background of cross-subject education. Her work experience made her the first scholar in China who was dedicated to the research of the development strategy of western art institution and the construction of the subject of art appreciation. After entering CAFA in 2007, she was the main director of the art appreciation course, which makes it popular in the art circle and cultivate many excellent talents like collectors and directors of the galleries.Her research field involves the development history of western art market, non-profit institution strategy management, the data analysis of the artists in the secondary market, especially the combination of arts and cooperations, the brand marketing, social responsibilities, etc. Academic issues includes "the general description of art market development ","Research on early European art sponsorship", "The international expanding strategy of auction companies""Charity and American art market", "The formation of the market of the impressionism", "Contemporary art and cooperation collection", "The development of Chinese Contemporary art market", "The prospect of the collecting of Monet", etc. She was the marketing PR and director of customer development in Sotheby's Asia, a senior executive from Chinese nationality. During her terms of office, she planed the brand recognition and strategy exploitation of customers. Han Jianghe was once an art consultant in CITIC private bank, to promote the cooperate image and develop the customers under the theme of art.
12、溥文 Mike Bruhn
在咨询公司工作期间,溥文一直参与包括路易o威登、沙宣、木桐嘉棣(Mouton Cadet) 、雪铁龙、浪凡(Lanvin)、渣打银行等跨国企业的品牌合作与市场拓展战略的制定。
Currently, Mike Bruhn is the Head of Arts and Culture Practice at Ruder Finn Asia Public Relations. For the past 20 years, Mike has worked in China and Japan where he developed a strong expertise and a broad network of relationships in the Arts circles, becoming a recognized and well respected expert in the arts and cultural field. An expert in Chinese art history, he has led exclusive private art & architecture tours for trustees, patrons, and board members of the: Metropolitan Museum of Art NY, MOMA NY, MOMA SF, NY Philharmonic, LA Country Museum, Tate, ICA, Kennedy Center, Sotheby's, San Diego Museum of Contemporary Art, Katonah Museum of Art, V&A Museum, High Museum Atlanta, Peabody Museum, MFA Boston, Santa Fe Museum of Art, Dallas Museum of Art, Guimet Museum of Art and others. In the recent years, Mike has advised Shang Xia, the new Hermes-invested luxury homeware brand as well as Guardian Auction Company, China's premier fine art auction company, on international business development. He has also advised Chinese museums on branding and museum gift retailing and operations. In his role at a number of consultancies, Mike has been involved in brand partnership and market expansion strategies for multinational companies including Louis Vuitton, Vidal Sassoon, Mouton Cadet, Citroen, Lanvin, Standard Chartered Bank and others. Prior to that, Mike worked as a Deputy Director of Sotheby's Hong Kong & Shanghai where he was responsible for sales of Chinese works of art, client development and the development of the Sotheby's brand name in China. Before moving to China, Mike was with Sotheby's New York.
16:00-16:45 圆桌会议:艺术赞助在中国 (嘉宾对话)
Mr. Zheng Hao, the funder of HOW ART MUSEUM, is the Chairman of ONEHOME Holdings Group. Mr. Zheng graduated from the department of Art Design at China Academy of Art with a keen interest in eastern and western contemporary art. He began his collection career from the late 1990s and is an outstanding representative of Chinese private collector.
嘉宾简介:英国剑桥大学纳米科技及伦敦经济学院管理决策学双硕士,四方文化集团CEO, 南京新四方美术馆创办人,当代艺术收藏家。坚持企业的文化理想和社会责任 ,用过去的十年时间,通过收藏,展览,赞助和研究等一系列具体行为支持当代艺术。同时,做为在国内最早也是最广泛和建筑师合作的典范,从2003年开始陆续邀请了二十多位享誉国际的建筑师合作项目,其中包括矶崎新,刘家琨,斯蒂文·霍尔,索特萨斯以及普利策奖得主妹岛和世,西泽立卫和王澍等等。
Lu Xun,Double master degree in nanotechnology of the Cambridge and Science of Design Making of London School of Economics. CEO of Nanjing Si Fang culture group,and founder of the Nanjing Si Fang museum, also a collector of contemporary arts. He insist on the cultural idealism and social responsibilities, spending the past ten years to support contemporary arts through a series of specific actions like collections, exhibitions, art patron and study. At the same time , he has set the first model of widely collaborate with architects. Since 2003, he has invited more than 20 architects with international reputation like Arata Isozaki, Liu Jiakun, Steven Hall, Ettore Sottsassand and the winner of the Pulitzer prize, KAZUYO SEJIMA, Ryue Nishizawa and Wang shu.
嘉宾简介:1956年生,广东人。毕业于南京艺术学院,获博士学位。2009年7月至今担任中央美术学院美术馆馆长,教授,中国美术家协会理事,全国美术馆专业委员会副主任,中国美术馆专家委员会委员,广州美术学院、南京艺术学院、华南师范大学特聘教授,国务院政府特殊津贴专家。2004年获法国政府颁发的“文学与艺术骑士勋章”,2006年获意大利总统颁发的“骑士勋章”。创办和策划“广州三年展”,“广州国际摄影双年展”,策划“中国人本:纪实在当代”大型摄影展,“毛泽东时代美术文献展”,“中国水墨实验二十年”展等。曾为广东美术馆馆长。出版美术史论专著《中国明清国画大师研究丛书--陈洪绶》;《中国绘画艺术专史:山水画卷》;出版《王璜生 / 天地悠然》、《王璜生--生活与艺术》、《日常心情--王璜生大花系列》、《春荣 / 秋净--王璜生小品集》、《天地悠然--王璜生的水墨天地》等多种个人绘画专集。作品为中国美术馆、广东美术馆、英国维多利亚博物馆、广东省博物馆、全国政协等机构收藏。美术作品入选“第八届全国美展”、“第九届全国美展”、“第十一届全国美展”、“百年中国画大展”等。
Born in 1956, Guangdong. Wang Huangsheng obtained his master from the Nanjing Art Institute (Art History) in 1990 and his doctorate in 2006 respectively. He is now the Director of CAFA Art Museum from July 2009 to now, Committee of the Chinese Art Society, Vice chairman of the Guangdong Artist Association, Member of the Expert Committee of the China National Art Gallery and member of the Chinese Museum. Wang is also a specially-appointed professor in Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Nanjing Art Institute and an outstanding art expert who is funded by the State Council. In China, Wang is reputed as the first-class national artist. In 2006 obtained the knight medal awarded by the President of Italy. He was the Director of Guangdong Museum of Art before. Wang's published books include a monograph about Art History, entitled Series of Research regarding Chinese Master painters in Ming and Qing Dynasties:Chen Hongshou (1995,Jilin Art Publishing company),Wang Huangsheng:Serene Universe" (Liaoning Art Publishing House, 1996),Wang Huangsheng:Art and Life (1998, The South Ocean publishing company),Daily episodes:Wang Huangsheng's flower series (2005,Lingnang Art Publishing Company) and his other painting collections. Further, Wang's artwork is frequently included in major national exhibition, such as "The Eighth National Art Exhibition", "The Ninth National Art Exhibition", "Major Exhibition of Traditional Chinese Painting in 20th Century" and "Major exhibition of Chinese Art". Academically, Wang's dissertations and art critic articles are frequently published in professional journal (national and overseas) such as Research on Art and Literature,Art,Art Observation, Art Trend, Art Gallery Magazine and Jiangsu Art Monthly. Furthermore, he is also the chief-editor of Art Museum periodical. Nowadays, Wang's artwork are collected and treasured by the China National Museum of Fine Arts, Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangdong Provincial Museum and other major Government institutions in China.