图为Bruce Nauma,1983年
今年代表美国参展的是艺术家Bruce Nauman的作品《拓扑花园》(Topological Gardens)。《拓扑花园》由费城艺术博物馆负责策划,并与威尼斯两所大学合作。希望借此拓展同威尼斯教育界的关系。
图为Bruce Nauma的作品装置《恶与善》(Vices and Virtues),霓虹,透明玻璃管,铝制底板。
双年展组委会对这一获奖作品的选择的陈述为:这是对Bruce Nauma艺术创作的持久能量和精确性所做的肯定。
Golden Lion for the Best National Participation Awarded to the U.S. Representation
VENICE.- The Philadelphia Museum of Art commissioning institution for the United States Pavilion at the 53rd International Art Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia, announced today that the U.S. representation, Bruce Nauman: Topological Gardens, has been awarded the prestigious Golden Lion for the Best National Participation. According to a statement from the Biennale, the presentation was selected “in recognition of the sustained energy and precision of Bruce Nauman’s art. From iconic embodiments of human pain and fragility to pithy jabs at our frailties, his oeuvre reveals the magic of meaning as it emerges through relentless repetition of language and form.” This is the first time since 1990 that the United States has received the much-coveted award.
Said Basualdo following the ceremony: “We at the Philadelphia Museum of Art are extremely grateful for the enormous support this project has received all along the way, beginning with the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. Department of State, as well as the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and the Henry Luce Foundation, The Pew Charitable Trusts, and so many donors and lenders to the exhibition. We are also so grateful to the Peggy Guggenheim Collection, the Universitá Iuav and the Univesitá Ca’ Foscari. Most of all, it has been an amazing honor to work closely with one of the great artists of our time, Bruce Nauman. We hope that this project will help establish a lasting and expanding relationship between the U.S. Pavilion and the educational institutions of the city of Venice.”
Bruce Nauman: Topological Gardens presents a thematic survey comprising four decades of the artist’s innovative and provocative work and is featured at three exhibition sites throughout the city of Venice: the United States Pavilion at the Giardini della Biennale, Università Iuav di Venezia at Tolentini, and the Exhibition Spaces at Università Ca’ Foscari. The exhibition is structured around the notion of topology—a field in mathematics that examines the continuity of space amid changing conditions—which is used to understand the artist’s work as well as the context in which it will be displayed. On view are more than 30 works lent from public and private collections in the United States and Europe, some of which the artist has adapted and redeveloped specifically for Venice, working in direct response to the spatial context of the sites. The exhibition also includes two new sound-based works, Days and Giorni, the latter created by Nauman working in collaboration with students at each university. These two works will travel to the Philadelphia Museum of Art, to make their U.S. premiere from November 21, 2009 – April 4, 2010.