艾敬纽约个展"ai want to love"由纽约中国广场艺术空间策划,欧洲著名家具连锁店纽约经销商 Bo Concept? New York 赞助,艾敬得到纽约数位重量级艺术评论家在艾敬的画册"ai want love "上发表简短评论,艾敬将展出尺寸不同的30多幅作品,以及声音装置作品"sound of new york"、影像作品"I love panda".展览地点在纽约下城soho区,展览从2009年10月27—2009年12月27日为期两个月,soho是纽约下城最繁华的艺术于商业结合的区域,艾敬的展览已经发出几万份电子信件,艾敬以艺术家身份登陆纽约,继续"爱"的艺术旅行,十月艾敬还将参加由纽约中国广场举办的艺术联展”china in chelasea“ ,看来十月的纽约是艾敬的纽约。
艾敬纽约个展策展人"Sally WU",是纽约艺术界非常活跃的策展人,电影监制以及时装公司艺术总监,她所参与的展览横跨视觉艺术,建筑展览项目,以及电影几个部分,以Sally WU在纽约的影响力,在艾敬个展的筹备当中,短期内已经聚集了纽约艺术评论界以及艺术类媒体的全力支持,相信艾敬的个展会赢得很多的关注。
ai want to love
策展人:Sally Wu
地点:BoConcept Soho
地址:69 Greene Street New York (Between Sprint St. and Broome St.)
艾敬再出艺术新作“纽约的声音” 与大野洋子、坂本龙一等艺术家共同参展
ChinaSquare is pleased to announce the launch of a new exhibition project, Ai Want to Love: Ai Jing’s Solo Exhibition in NYC . Her works will be on view from October 27th, 2009, to December 27th, 2009. This project is a collaboration with the renowned design furniture line BoConcept NYC. We cordially invite you to attend the opening reception on October 27th, 6-9 pm, at the BoConcept Soho store at 69 Greene Street (between Spring and Broome Streets).
Crossing over from music to the field of visual art, Ai Jing tackles the subject of “love” in an ongoing series of paintings on canvas with mixed media. The artist strips bare the concept of love through the painstaking process of collaging cutout lettering, spontaneous graffiti and newspaper onto canvas infused with oil paint. She employs a palette of mainly primary colors--red, yellow, and blue--that shifts at times to a range of monochrome whites, grays, and blacks. The repetitive lettering, along with the elaborate layering of paints and the references to dates and social events contained in newspaper clippings, conveys Ai Jing’s deep concern for the lack of love and faith in modern society. These works are a heartfelt message to everyone living in the contemporary world.
Ai Jing, born in Shenyang in Liaoning Province of China, is a singer-songwriter who has produced five albums of her own music as well as a number of EP albums and singles. During the 1990s, Ai Jing’s unique voice was popular throughout Asia, and her ground-breaking record sales resulted in successful concert tours in Japan and other countries. In 1999, Ai took up painting, and in 2007 she began to exhibit her work professionally. Her first solo show took place at the Today Art Museum in Beijing in 2008, and in 2009 she has exhibited at galleries in Shanghai, Beijing and New York.
This exhibition is curated by Sally Wu, a New York-based fashion designer who has been closely involved with fashion, contemporary art, and film productions. As a fashion curator, she was a member of the curatorial team responsible for the 2008 exhibition Shanghai Kaleidoscope at the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto, a show that examined the interplay between art, fashion and architecture in Shanghai’s contemporary urban culture. She has served as an advisor to the 2008 Asian Contemporary Art Fair’s fashion presentation, and to the 2009 Paper under Knife Paper Ball at New York’s Museum of Art and Design. She is a curatorial advisor for the current Chelsea art project ”The Drop: Urban Artfill.” In addition, she was the associate producer of A Workshop for Peace, a documentary film about the architectural competition for United Nations building, directed by Peter Rosen, and she is currently producing two documentary films in association with Peter Rosen Productions.
This exhibition perfectly blended fine art into a setting of modern design furniture is made possible through the generous support of Niki and Shaokao Cheng, owners of BoConcept?, a forward-thinking, sleek and chic furniture line in New York.
ai want to love
aijing solo exhibition
Curated by Sally Wu
October 27 - December 27, 2009
Opening reception on October 27, 2009, 6:00 - 9:00 pm
BoConcept Soho, 69 Greene Street (Between Sprint St. and Broome St.)