上海张江当代艺术馆现场 2009-07-10 09:45:56 来源:99艺术网 编译:张明湖 点击:
当代艺术最新设立了一个奖项,贾米尔奖(Jameel Prize),该奖项两年颁布一次,奖金总额为2.5万英镑,以表彰那些从伊斯兰传统工艺中获得灵感的当代艺术家。今年,伊朗出生的Afruz Amighi因其名为“1001页”(1001 Pages)的作品成为该奖项的第一位得主。

得奖作品“1001页”(1001 Pages)


V&A Announces First Winner of Islamic Art Prize

  LONDON—Iranian-born Afruz Amighi has become the first artist to be awarded the Jameel Prize, a new honor to be bestowed biannually to a contemporary artist skilled in traditional Islamic craft and technique.

  As part of the international prize, launched by the Victoria & Albert Museum and funded by Saudi businessman and philanthropist Mohammed Abdul Latif Jameel, Amighi will receive £25,000 ($40,000) and have her winning work, a shadow piece entitled 1001 Pages, displayed with works from eight artists shortlisted for the prize in the new Studio Gallery through September 13.

  The Jameel Prize, of which architect Zaha Hadid is patron, was created to highlight the marriage of traditional Islamic design and contemporary art.


