上海张江当代艺术馆现场 2009-07-14 14:51:54 来源:99艺术网 编译:张明湖 点击:
创造了“字母艺术”的艺术大师Franco Sanna将他的10年创作精品在网站上发布。

1998 - 2009 Eleven years of "Alphabert Art"

  In the 1998 the master Franco Sanna planed and created the new artistical movement "Alphabet Art", very original
for the theme and destined to leave a sign in the field of the contemporary art.

  From the 1998 in his movement "Alphabet art" he began the cycle "Mappe città"  and after this he kept on the cycles: "ALFABETI", "CONSONANTI", "EGOCENTRICI", "EVOLUZIONI", FRAMMENTI ALFABETICI","FRAMMENTI FRAMMENTATI", "PALINDROMI", "VOCALI".

  In the Years 1998/1999 he planed more than thousand works (like paintings, collages and sculptures) about his movement "Alphabet Art": he is going to carry out this plans in the next year and a lot of this plans are in a very big size (four metres for five). Until the 2008 he has gone out more than two thousand works.

  The works, about his movement"Alphabet Art", done from the 1998 until the 2008, are visible in the web site about the master Franco Sanna (Sassari 1947), www.francosanna.com. In this web site there aren't all the works about themovement "Alphabet Art"; the missing works are done in a very big size and they are done with an unpublished painting techinique, never presented from anyone artist.

  This works are going to be showed only in great public exhibitions and after this in the web site about the master www.francosanna.com.

  "Alphabet Art" is the new artistical movement more innovative and original presented in the last years in the field of figurative arts.


