现场嘉宾签到处 2009-07-25 18:00:15 来源:99艺术网 编译:张明湖 点击:

San Francisco, Performa Team Up to Celebrate Futurism

  SAN FRANCISCO—This year marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the early-20th-century Italian art movement Futurism. It also marks the second edition of New York's new performance-art biennial, Performa. As it turns out, San Franciscans will get to celebrate both of those occasions, together, in October.

  The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art today announced a citywide project called "Metal + Machine + Manifesto = Futurism's First 100 Years" (and here's to the next 100). It will boast lectures, including one by poetry critic Marjorie Perloff; events, such as "a rowdy Futurist banquet" inspired by movement founder Filippo Marinetti's Futurist Cookbook from 1932; an exhibition of works by Futurist designer Fortunato Depero; and special previews of two Performa 09 commissioned performances, one of them a concert of original scores played on newly created intonarumori (noise intoners, special hand-cranked instruments first constructed by Futurist sound artist Luigi Russolo), the other, a night of Futurist plays and Futurist-inspired films. Plus, a showing of the only surviving original film from the movement, Anton Giulio Bragaglia's Thais (1916).



