现场嘉宾 2009-10-20 17:41:13 来源:99艺术网专稿 点击:









  Greengaged是源起于伦敦设计节的可持续专题活动。Greengaged致力于传播产品、平面、传媒、时尚,服务等各领域的可持续设计策略,促进设计对环境产生积极的影响,激发设计师在可持续领域的设计和创新。 Greengaged 08由Thomas Matthews, [re]design, Kingston University主办,英国设计委员会承办,在伦敦设计节期间成功举行,并在英国设计界引起了极大的积极反响。


  今年,Greengaged 计划在九月从伦敦出发,到世界各地交流推广可持续设计。Greengaged 希望策动一次全球设计界的联合行动,倡导设计师应具有的社会责任感和环境意识。Greengaged 09的最终目的地是在十二月哥本哈根联合国气候高峰会议COP15——将集中展示国际设计界在应对全球气候变化中的重要作用。


  在中国,Greengaged协手中央美术学院,英国大使馆文化教育处(中英创意企业家网络),社会创新与可持续设计联盟等国内外伙伴,将在Icograda 北京世界设计大会上推出一系列的可持续设计活动。同时,也将作为英国文化协会的创意企业家网络的可持续设计交流活动——帮助有志投身创意产业的年轻人和创意企业家了解如何有效地结合设计创意和绿色商机。「Greengaged-中国」旨在汇集中国设计界的绿色力量,倡导可持续设计,宣传绿色的生活方式和可持续发展的价值观. 届时将邀请可持续设计领域最前沿的设计师和革新者来到中国,通过工作坊,实地参观访问,研讨,论坛, 展览多种等形式,传播推广可持续设计的思想,知识和实践。内容将包括可持续设计成功案例分析,绿色创意企业家的经验分享,专家面对面指导如何执行可持续设计,展望可持续设计的市场机遇和发展前景等。


  Greengaged Exhibition


  Date: 2009.10.27-11.06

  Opening: 2009.10.27 06:00 pm

  Location: Exhibition Hall,CAFA Art Museum

  Organized by: Greengaged

  Co-organized by: CAFA, British Council, Kinston University


  The organizing committee of Icograda World Design Congress 2009 Beijing and the 1st Beijing Design Week is glad to announce the Greengaged-China sustainable design events, a collaboration between Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA), British Council (China), Design for Social Innovation and Sustainability Network China (DESIS-China) and Greengaged (UK), as part of the congress in October 2009. This series of events include a pre-conference workshop, presentations at the professional conference and an exhibition.


  Greengaged was first launched as the sustainable design hub of London Design Festival in 2008, organized by Thomas Matthews, Kingston University, [re]design and held at the Design Council in Covent Garden, London. Built on a successful programme of engaging events, Greengaged is spreading its reach for 2009 and going international!


  From September to December 2009, Greengaged will be running a new programme of design events and workshops across the world. With an intent to demonstrate the importance of using and understanding design when tackling global climate change, Greengaged will be collecting insights and conclusions from its international events and taking them to the COP15 United Nations Climate Change Conference 2009 in Copenhagen.


  In China, Greengaged are working with partners such as Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA), Cultural and Education Section of the British Embassy, Design for Social Innovation and Sustainability Network China (DESIS-China) to run sustainable design events. Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA), a lead organiser of the Icograda World Design Congress 2009 Beijing, is committed to sustainable design and keen to host Greengaged-China as a session of the congress. In response to the theme of the conference, Greengaged-China aims to engage the wider design industry in getting involved, becoming informed and sharing expertise and opinions. Greengaged-China will also be running as part of the British Council’s “China-UK Creative Entrepreneurs” events to explore how creative entrepreneurs can contribute to a sustainable future.


  As it has done in the UK, Greengaged-China will initiate workshops, debates, excursions and exhibitions in an exciting programme of events. Featuring some of the most forward-thinking designers and innovators in the fields of design and sustainability, the programme will cover:


  • An introduction on sustainable design thinking, knowledge and practices

  • A dialogue on sustainable design between international sustainable design experts and Chinese design community.

  • Case studies of the latest sustainable design initiatives

  • Successful experiences of creative entrepreneurs in sustainable design business

  • Explanation and discussion on how sustainability can be built into the design process

  • Good practice guidance from sustainable design experts

  • Vision on opportunities, trends and future development


