金茂北京威斯汀大饭店 2009-10-30 18:11:30 来源:99艺术网专稿 编译:张鸿宾 点击:
普希金国家美术博物馆把The Holy Family with the Infant[即带有婴儿的神圣家族](Madonna Stroganoff)借展给了在德累斯顿的早期艺术大师画廊(Old Masters Gallery),为期三个月。



painting by Bronzino on View in Dresden Due to Reciprocal Loan with Pushkin Museum


 A woman observes the painting better known as "Madonna Stroganoff", made by Italian painter Agnolo Bronzino, which is part of the collection of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts.


 DRESDEN.- The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts has loaned the painting The Holy Family with the Infant (Madonna Stroganoff) to the Old Masters Gallery in Dresden for a period of three months. Bronzino painted this masterpiece in 1545.


  Agnolo di Cosimo (1503 – 1572), usually known as Il Bronzino, or Agnolo Bronzino, was an Italian Mannerist painter from Florence. The origin of his nickname, Bronzino is unknown, but could derive from his dark complexion, or from that he gave many of his portrait subjects. It has been claimed by some that he had dark skin as a symptom of Addison's disease, a condition which affects the adrenal glands and often causes excessive pigmentation of the skin.


  Bronzino was born in Florence around 1503. According to his contemporary Vasari, Bronzino was a pupil first of Raffaellino del Garbo, and then of Pontormo. The latter was ultimately the primary influence on Bronzino's developing style and the young artist remained devoted to his eccentric teacher. Indeed, Pontormo is thought to have introduced a portrait of Bronzino as a child into one of his series on Joseph in Egypt now in the National Gallery, London. Bronzino's early indebtedness to Pontormo's instruction can be seen in the arresting little Capponi Chapel in Santa Felicita, Florence. During the mid 1520s, the two artists worked together on this commission, though Bronzino is believed to have mostly served as an assistant to his teacher on the masterly Annunciation and The Deposition from the Cross frescoes that adorn the main walls of the chapel





