预展现场 2009-11-18 17:18:15 来源:99艺术网专稿 编译:张鸿宾 点击:


Call for Entries for John Moores Contemporary Painting Prize Open
Peter McDonald's "Fontana" won the prize in 2008.


  LIVERPOOL.- Artists have the chance to win prize money of £25,000 by entering the John Moores Contemporary Painting Prize 2010. This year’s jury sees former Royal Academy Exhibitions Secretary Sir Norman Rosenthal joined by contemporary artists Goshka Macuga and Gary Hume, Liverpool-born artist Ged Quinn and painter Alison Watt.


  The John Moores Contemporary Painting Prize is an open submission competition available to all UK-based artists working with paint. Previous winners have included David Hockney, Peter Doig and Michael Raedecker.


  The judging will take place throughout 2010 and will result in an exhibition at the Walker Art Gallery from September 18, 2010 to January 3, 2011, forming a central part of the Liverpool Biennial.


  Reyahn King, director of art galleries at National Museums Liverpool , says: "The John Moores Contemporary Painting Prize provides a first prize of £25,000 and is a unique opportunity for artists to show their work in a major gallery.”


  Littlewoods founder Sir John Moores, a keen painter, started the exhibition in 1957. In the last 50 years nearly 2,000 artists have exhibited. More than 100 people have sat on the jury. The Moores family remain involved through the Walker ’s partnership with the John Moores Liverpool Exhibition Trust.


  The final deadline for artists to register is February 19, 2010 – online registration can be found on www.liverpoolmuseums.org.uk/johnmoores. Images must be sent in by March 5, 2010 and winners will be announced at the opening of the exhibition.



