今夕是何年——史国威作品展 2010-05-13 09:00:19 来源:99艺术网 编译:黄辉 点击:
威尼斯双年展董事会决定,任命比奇·库莱格(Bice Curiger)为威尼斯双年展视觉艺术部主管,具体事务为策划2011年举行的第54届威尼斯双年展。


Bice Curiger Appointed Curator of 2011 Venice Biennale



The board of the Biennale di Venezia, chaired by Paolo Baratta, has appointed Bice Curiger as director of the Visual Arts Sector, with specific responsibility for curating the 54th International Art Exhibition, to be held in 2011.

A graduate of the University of Zurich, Bice Curiger is an art historian, critic, and curator. Since 1993, she has been curator at the Zurich Kunsthaus. Bice Curiger is co-founder and editor-in-chief of Parkett, published in Zurich and New York since 1984; since 2004, she has been publishing director of the Tate etc magazine produced by London’s Tate Gallery.

On the occasion of her nomination, Bice Curiger declared: “It is a great honor and a privilege to be asked to be the director of the Venice Biennale, one of the world’s most important and exceptional overviews on contemporary art. I am very much looking forward to the great challenge. La Biennale is an exhibition, which is traditionally attracting a wide-ranging public, from professionals to so-called ‘amateurs’ and art lovers. This offers the opportunity to reflect on the highly communicative aspect of today's art, which strongly engages and commits viewers—drafting a contemporary image of the individual in the broad collective and social context.”


