CIGE2012 特别展览 MAPPING ASIA:17位亚洲年轻艺 2012-03-21 16:28:06 来源:99艺术网专稿 点击:
CIGE2012特别展览MAPPING ASIA:17位亚洲年轻艺术家个展详细资料。

黎薇 Li Wei《英雄–合唱团Hero - Chorus 》

黎薇 Li Wei《英雄–合唱团Hero - Chorus 》

黎薇 Li Wei《英雄–合唱团Hero - Chorus 》

黎薇 Li Wei《英雄–合唱团Hero - Chorus 》

郑真蓉 Jinyong Jeong《燃烧的声音 201202 Sound in Burn 201202》

郑真蓉 Jinyong Jeong《燃烧的声音 201202 Sound in Burn 201202》

郑真蓉 Jinyong Jeong《天堂 1103 Paradise 1103》

郑真蓉 Jinyong Jeong《天堂 1103 Paradise 1103》

孙原 & 彭禹 Sun Yuan & Peng Yu 《等待Waiting》

孙原 & 彭禹 Sun Yuan & Peng Yu 《等待Waiting》


艺术ISSUE ART ISSUE Projects(北京 Beijing)




继韩之演艺术管理公司之后,2007年韩之演当代空间正式成立于北京草场地艺术区,凭借着卓越的艺术理念和品质高尚的展览迅速成为北京最有影响力的画廊之一。2009年4月,秉持着更高的艺术追求和理想,韩之演当代空间正式更名为“艺术ISSUE Projects”,之后我们将与《艺术ISSUE》杂志紧密配合,以全新的计划推广形式推动中国乃至整个亚洲的当代艺术发展,为确立和巩固其在全世界的艺术地位而努力。同时我们将引介世界其他地区和国家的当代艺术来到中国,艺术ISSUE Projects将成为世界艺术交流的平台,为全世界各个国家和地区的艺术提供一个展示交流的舞台。


Established in 2007 in Caochangdi, HAN JI YUN Contemporary Space has quickly emerged as one of the most influential art galleries in Beijing through its well-conceived exhibitions. In April 2009, in an effort to reach new artistic heights, HAN JI YUN Contemporary Space will change its name to ART ISSUE PROJECTS to closely affiliate with Art Issue magazine. Through the establishment of this cooperation, the exhibition space and magazine will jointly promote contemporary art in China and internationally.  ART ISSUE PROJECTS will serve as a platform for the exchange of global dialogue on art by introducing artists from all areas of the world to China.


CIGE 2012参展艺术家:


孙原 & 彭禹 Sun Yuan & Peng Yu


彭弘智 Hung-Chih PENG


黎薇 Li Wei,1981年出生于中国北京;现生活和工作于中国北京(Lives and works in Beijing, China)。


艺术家所想表达的不是 “人” 的表情,而是一种“非人”的存在状态;种种直抵人心的“拟人”表现甚至让人感觉残酷难忍。这种华丽与残疾并存的现实似乎表明这就是当前人类身处的世界,是超脱个人的集体意识,也是我们面临的时代特质。


The artist is not trying to express the expressions of “human beings,” but the nonhuman states of being. This kind of “personification” is so astonishing, even cruel, touching people’s heart deeply. This reality with magnificent and deformity coexist seems is the world which human beings live, the collective consciousness surpassing every individual consciousness, and the predominant zeitgeist we are facing now.


郑真蓉 Jinyong Jeong,1972年出生于韩国全州;现生活和工作于中国、韩国、北京、首尔(Lives and works in Beijing, Seoul China, South Korea)。




Jeong Jinyong conducts many experiments to perfectly combine the materials such as acrylic, gouache and glass bead in his works. He creates the unique expression methodology with art language. The glass bead filmed on the surface of the works generates multi-level visual effect under lighting. The magic light-reflection effect create a fascinating feeling of distance and guides the viewer to experienced a time travel.






黎薇 Li Wei《英雄–合唱团Hero - Chorus 》2010 综合实物装置 comprehensive material installation 真人大小儿童14个 14 real person size children




郑真蓉 Jinyong Jeong《燃烧的声音 201202 Sound in Burn 201202》 2012 布面混合丙烯、水粉、玻璃珠acrylic gouache & crystal bead on canvas 140 x 140 cm 




郑真蓉 Jinyong Jeong《天堂 1103 Paradise 1103》 2011 布面混合丙烯、水粉、玻璃珠 acrylic gouache & crystal bead on canvas 112 x 162 cm 




孙原 & 彭禹 Sun Yuan & Peng Yu 《等待Waiting》 2006 玻璃钢、矽胶、羽毛Fiberglass, silica gel, feathers 120 x 80 x 150 cm 




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