CIGE2012 画廊资料四 2012-03-22 10:52:04 来源:99艺术网专稿 点击:

谢克Xie Ke 当代山水 Modern Landscape 2010 铸铜烤漆 Painted Bronze 38 x 33 x 18cm

谢克 当代山水  2010 铸铜烤漆  38 x 33 x 18cm


申树斌Shen Shubin 光 No.6 Light No.6 2011 布面油画Oil on Canvas 100 x 100cm

申树斌  光 No.6   2011 布面油画 100 x 100cm








Established in Singapore since 1996, HaKaren Art Gallery is a leading specialist in contemporary Chinese art featuring a distinctive selection of fine paintings and sculptures by some of China's most eminent and exceptional contemporary artists.Geared with an avid and open mindset, HaKaren has never ceased to keep a dedicated gaze towards the churning creativity flowing forth from China. With such a varied and vigorous amount of talent embedded in this competitively diversified nation, there lies a thin line between notable craftsmanship, and the phenomenally artistic. It is our aim to discern the latter from the former, and flourish limelight upon the truly gifted.This is precisely why HaKaren has launched a new gallery in Beijing's Central Villa District during 2009, which is about 15 minutes away from the international airport. Based on our very own aesthetic viewpoint and a vision of an ideal displaying area, it has taken us a year to build the whole structure from scratch. With 13,000sqf of space, it showcases the same sophisticated selection of works that we have been continuously presenting to art lovers and collectors. Our collection is a showcase of unique, harmonious compositions wording the quintessence of Oriental tradition through modern spatial elements and vibrant colours of the Western palette. With excellent artworks by represented top-notch artists entered in premier auctions in Asia, HaKaren offers professional services as well as consultation in art investment to an international cosmopolitan audience.In correlation with a progressing global demand for contemporary artistry, we began to introduce avant-garde art way back in 2002. By adopting a strategic stance, and embarking upon the middle road between conventional and contemporary precepts, the gallery has achieved the combinative rarity of fusing traditional concepts with bold modernity. And with a recent change of our gallery appearance in late 2010, we are bringing in an even more outstanding line-up of young contemporary Chinese artists who are setting trails ablaze with their artistic fineness.


代理艺术家 Represented Artists:


谢 克 Xie Ke


申树斌 Shen Shubin


沈敬东 Shen Jingdong


任哲 Ren Zhe


田旭桐 Tian Xutong


王麒钧 Wang Qijun


姜勃 Jiang Bo


CIGE 2012 参展艺术家 Exhibited Artists


谢克 Xie Ke


申树斌 Shen Shubin



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CIGE2012 特别展览 MAPPING ASIA:17位亚洲年轻艺术家个展



