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�ߴ�:175*150cm �ߴ�:175*150cm �ߴ�:175*150cm �ߴ�:175*150cm
�������:2008 �������:2008 �������:2008 �������:2008


1984  ���ڹ��ݽ���
2006  ��ҵ�ڹ���ʦ����ѧ����ѧԺ


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2006  �����Ա���֮���ĵ���������������ɪ����

��èè��ֱ�ס����� ��ɪ���ȡ�
Had been born to the Guizhou Jinping
Graduated from the Guizhou normal university fine arts instittute

In the same year enters and is stationed in "the city components the contemporary art work room
Presently occupies Guiyang

Joint exhibition

2008  ��The image spirit�� Shanghai spring artistic Sharon exposition

��Harmonious Nan Ming�� urban components present age art work room art show

��Corner�� from Guiyang's contemporary art - - Chengdu K decorated corridor

��Transmits orally with the hearing four directions��-- Guiyang
Third oil painting biennale
"Animal carnival"----the Chinese artists invite to unfold
Shanghai spring artistic Sharon exposition
"The city components" the work room opens two people to unfold

"Comes from the summer vacation all contemporary art��---

Jinse gallery
"City components" contemporary art work room art show
"Ripples" Guizhou normal university teachers and
students art show.

Personally unfolds:

2007  Cat's  confess" -----Jinse gallery


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